Have you had your bath today?

In Ps.119:9 the psalmist poses the age old question “wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way?”  Young or old, even a saved person struggles with this since the sin nature still is a part of our makeup until we go home to glory.  In the meantime, what can we do?  

For starters he says in the rest of the verse we can “take heed. . . to Thy Word”.  The word heed was used of a watchman or guard. And like him we must safeguard the principles of the Bible in our life as we make decisions each day. We must carefully let God weigh in and reject any desires that contradict Him.  Didn’t Christ do this as He agonized in Gethsemane and said “not My will but Thine be done”?

  We can also PRAY.  The writer knew he was capable of straying so he asked that God help him to not “wander” in vs.10.   Daily you can ask God for this help. Didn’t Jesus teach us to pray “and lead us not to temptation but deliver us from evil” ?

And finally, have you given much thought to memorizing the Bible?  Vs.11 says doing this is a great help against the lurking monster of sin that is within each of us.   Let’s say you struggle morally, or you spend impulsively and get yourself into financial straits, or you have a tendency to talk about others in less than spiritual ways.  Whatever your “pleasure” there is help. Look up some verses that especially help you overcome those sins and learn them and then when the temptation comes knocking, carefully call it up from memory and recite it.   Didn’t the Lord also do this as He was tempted of Satan ?

So are you taking that “bath” each day?  Or are you beginning to stink?  Turn on the shower of God’s grace and let the water of the Word wash over that soul today !

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