A chain reaction is a reaction in which the result is caused or spread by the elements in that “chain”. A series of events or chemicals, for example, is caused or triggered by the previous one. In Psalms 119:129-136 we see a “chain reaction” of sorts. The passage begins, “Thy testimonies are wonderful: therefore doth my soul keep them. The entrance of Thy words giveth light: it giveth understanding unto the simple.” He says in looking at the Bible and its wonders he is encouraged then to be more obedient to God and also he has gained insight previously unknown to him. Hiw wording implies more than a casual reading since he is captivated by the wonder of it, so a spiritual chain reaction has begun to happen since he opened his Bible and started to carefully read it !
Do you struggle with some “besetting sin”? Do you find it easy to want to gossip or perhaps think of yourself more highly than you ought? Or does some other transgression have a pretty good toehold in your life? How’s your reading of God’s Word? Always check that first. Last summer the neighbor lady was mowing her lawn and all of a sudden she stopped and I heard her pulling away trying to restart the mower. So, since her husband was away with work, I told my wife I’d rescue her, ha ! She told me she had checked the gas and I then looked at the mower and found her spark plug wire had come off. No power ! Putting it back on, it started right up (that day I looked like I knew something mechanical anyway). We short circuit the spiritual power we’d otherwise have if we stayed connected to God and took time daily to get into His Word !
When we start this simple yet powerful habit and stay with it, note what else occurs: “I opened my mouth, and panted: for I longed for Thy commandments.” (vs.131). He is speaking of desire here. Once you get saved, you have placed into you spiritual desires since the Holy Spirit begins then to indwell you. The “old desires” need to be starved and the new ones fed and the Word is your “food” ! The psalmist “longed” for the Bible ! Can you honestly say you do? If not, start at the beginning and the desire will grow for “healthy food” !!
Let me skip to the final verse here: “Rivers of water run down mine eyes, because they keep not Thy Law.” (vs.136). The culmination of this chain reaction is blessing ! Albeit, a negative one but a positive one at the same time. Negative in the sense he is sad at the disobedience of men to obey the Bible yet positive in that God has changed his heart to think and see more like God ! What you laugh and what you cry about is very revealing of the state of your heart and this man has let God begin a glorious chain reaction that enables him to appreciate the Word and avoid that which is contrary to it, that is a huge blessing because it will guide you right through life doing God’s will, it will keep you from great harm and falling for the traps of sin. That Book you hold in your lap at church is wonderfu,l to say the least, let it do it’s chain reaction in you today !