Its D-Day !!

Today is what is known as “D-Day”, the day we began to recapture the continent of Europe during World War 2 from Nazi Germany in 1944.  It was an incredible feat of military strategy and cooperation with our allies and eventually the push that began there on the beaches of France ended that war.  We should never forget “D-Day” as a nation.

What are the enemies you need to ferret out? Those things that may be keeping you from God’s best in your life?  Could it be the foe of complacency?   Inconsistency?  Apathy? Materialism? Prestige? Laziness about spiritual things? Fear? Worldliness? Bitterness?  – sometimes its that all too common sin of “independency” we carry through our day, that is, until we “need” His help.   It’s like the little toddler who in vain is trying to tie his shoes and when asked if he needs help he responds “No, I can do it MYSELF !!”.   There are many things that can keep us from achieving victory in our individual Christian lives and we must, as those brave soldiers so many years ago, work WITH God to conquer those enemies to the faith.      We have the strategy in John 15 and it suggests we cannot live for the Lord in our own strength for He clearly stated, “For without Me ye can do nothing !” (vs5) but note too Jesus also prefaced that by saying, “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the Vine, no more can ye, except ye abide in Me.” (vs4).      Today is “D-Day”, there may be fleshly strongholds keeping  YOU from God’s best, tackle them with His power and watch them topple !    Yesterday, I had a wonderful chance to witness, to two Asian young people.  Years ago, I would’ve not taken the opportunity but God helped me back then to be a bolder witness and so we had a great conversation and I met two siblings in Christ !

Imagine the intense firepower the Germans saw that incredible day !!   Imagine turning the guns on your “Nazi” for a change !! Instead of fearing, you take the matter to God and you face it WITH Him and best it !!  Whatever your “Nazi” is, simply “abide in Him”  – stay where He wants you to be, walk with Him, ask Him to enable you to do those things He wants you to do and you can capture areas you would not have dreamed possible !!

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