Dealing with Life’s Pests

Bam !! The other night at around 3 a.m. I heard a crash in the next room, my wife thinking I was sound asleep gently nudged me to wake me up and check out the situation and as I listened it was clear what had happened.  Our cat was on the prowl and had found herself a nocturnal playmate of the greyish variety.  Yep, a little mouse had found its way in and she wasn’t about to share her domain.  So I got up and there she was proudly laying beside her prey and if a little caption could poof over her head it would’ve read, “Hi Dad, look what I have for you !”  So I picked up her vanquished foe and put it back outside (breakast for some hawk in the morning) !!

Later on I said to my wife, “Aren’t  you thankful for our cat now?”  She agreed !   When you think about it, and I mean no irreverence at all, isn’t there a great lesson here about the Lord when you think of our pet?  He is our Great Protector and Friend.  When the pests of this life threaten to invade our homes and lives (via the media, unsavory people, bad memories, temptations, etc.) isn’t it wonderful knowing we have a God Who can deal effectively with any and all if we simply allow Him to do so?    Ps.46:1 is a very heartening verse. It reads, “God is our Refuge and Strength, a very present help in trouble.”     Got something, or someone pesty to deal with today?   The Lord’s “on the prowl” in your behalf as you strive to still do what’s right.  You stay the course, keep doing what pleases Him. That is living by faith just as all those precious folks did in Hebrews 11.  He will do the rest !

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