When you finish eating today, will THEIR heart be full?

Today is kind of a highlight for us as a church. Just about every first Sunday we have a dinner together after the service. There’s plenty of good food, often new people join us and interesting conversation and enough laughing to go around too. I would wager to say its a lot like what the early church experienced as you read in the book of Acts,”And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart.”  (2:46).

Isn’t it a wonder, when you think of it, that at these special times of fellowship you are interacting with the Lord too?!  My first times of fellowship as a new believer were awesome. I recall a young couple inviting me over for a game night at their home. My idea of a party was vastly different than what theirs had now come to be so I asked what we would do and they told me we’ll talk and play games. How lame this is gonna be I thought to myself. I was so wrong. My former partying mentality was empty, this was fulfilling !  I had a fantastic time with these new friends and a common bond in Christ. And I could sense their love and link to Christ too !  They were great people because they loved a great God. It encouraged me spiritually to live better fror Him.

A church dinner, activity and especially the worship service can be great times of encouragement when our heart is attuned to the Lord !  Don’t ever underestimate their value to your soul or to the hearts of others who are there too.  And be more like that young couple I spoke of: take the time to encourage someone new to join in the fellowship of this wonderful family of God !    Now its true there are some churches and fellowships out there you’d want to avoid but there are some good churches out there just waiting with open arms to welcome you into great and godly fellowship, find one if you’re not already in one and if you are enjoy it & encourage others in it !   Its more than filling your stomach, its filling others hearts !!

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