Fireworks for the Lord

Last night we kept hearing these loud noises, “boom, boom, boom” !!!   We soon remembered what they were from the year before.  This area boasts the third best fireworks in America, so they were testing them for the fourth of July.  As I walked out our back door to look it was a pretty sight with all the colors and great displays each firework made.  Their aim is to get things right for the holiday display here next week. What’s your aim today?

In writing to a troubled church at Corinth Paul said “whether therefore ye eat or drink or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” (1Cor.10:31).  This must be our aim !  Sometimes it is, quite frankly, hard, but never impossible with the Holy Spirit’s help to us. Sometimes, it seems so easy and we can fall into the trap of doing what we do in the flesh rather than FOR Him.  Sometimes we so want to do the wrong thing, like lashing back or being “cordial” yet not being Christlike.  We may know what’s right but view it as just too hard and certainly this is an opportunity to enjoy and be energized by His grace to carry out what we do.  And certainly, whatever we do must be top rate, giving it our best if we truly are doing what we do FOR His glory !

Something as mundane as taking pains in how you look, making sure the house is orderly as a testimony to Him and others who may pop in, going the extra mile in your work, giving not what’s left over but off the top are all ways we can do our best to truly glory Him. Make this your aim, for He is ever watching and will reward accordingly. When you get in those ruts of doing things just to do them, remember to confess the lethargy and set your sights higher.  You have one crack at the things to be done today, aim high, make some “fireworks for the Lord” !!!


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