I love history. I enjoy reading a good book that recounts days gone past and used to enjoy it very much when my Grandfather and now my Dad talks about things from days gone by when they were younger. But I’m particular about what historical authors I read, as many want to revise history to usually suit a liberal or America bashing agenda. It makes me so proud to be an American when I read of the faith of our forefathers and presidents, and we had some great ones (despite the “history” out there). Grover Cleveland was one such great president, being the only one of our leaders to serve to two terms not together (both our 22nd & 24th Presidents). He was a believer and stood firm on some great principles and was a close personal friend of the noted hymnwriter, Fanny Crosby. It was said of him that he had three great principles in his life: (1) He was an honest man (2) he was an honest man & (3) he was an honest man ! How many politicians could you think of today that the same could be said about?
History, though, is being “written” all the time. And not always by people with preconceived notions or deceptive political agendas. God is writing history, or as some have said His-story, and that is completely accurate ! YOU are writing history each day in the choices you make. As the saying goes: sow a habit, reap a character, sow a character reap a destiny. The great apostle John recorded for us much of the future as he penned Revelation but in this particular verse he looks ahead (future) to something which has reference to that past, which is happening now: “And I saw the dead small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened, and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.” (Rev.20:12).
Now granted, while this refers to the Great White Throne Judgment and subsequent evaluating of the lost and proving beyond a shadow of a doubt their deservedness to be confined to hell, there is too a judgment for the believer (not about our eternal destiny but standing in eternity as to rewards or lack of them – (see 1 Cor.3 & 2Cor.5). The point is, God takes stock of all we do and one day we will give an accounting and there will be (similar to liberal revisers) no fudging on what we meant, said or did exactly ! This is why, for one, Paul warned us to watch being wrongly critical and judgmental: “But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.” (Rom.14:10). “So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.” (vs.12). Today is another page in the life God as given to you, write it well, write a good history and the story will turn out very very well, honoring to the Great Author of Life !!