A lesson from a good ole Pooch

Nearly every morning “Pooch” stops by our door for his daily dose of protein from the neighbors, namely me ! Yep, Pooch is a dog owned by our neighbors and knows I’m a soft touch.  But he’s a good ole boy. So I grab a piece of bologna or some other meaty thing and he takes his treasure on his way (unless he inhales it first).  Can you blame him, he’s a dog with a penchant for meat  and I’m a sucker for a sad canine face with hungry eyes !  So it makes for a morning meat meet !!

In a way, shouldn’t we all kinda be like Pooch? In the sense that we desire to know God better and know His Word more? Peter thought so when he wrote, “As newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the Word. . .” (1Pt.2:2). Peter came to crave what God’s Word said as he grew in his faith. We let other things crowd out that morning stop sometimes. Busyness, routines, people, events all keep us from coming to see the Lord and seeing what He can feed us in the Bible each day.   Well Peter said we should, just like a baby wants milk, come to the Scriptures and read them regularly. But why when I have this to do or that to do, why when i have tried and find them hard to understand? Or when I’ve read it before? Peter said we should so that we can GROW is how the rest of that verse goes !  

You may be an adult or an adult in your elder years but there’s always room for growth with God. I can be more honest, more loving, less bitter, less complaining. In short, I can be more Christlike and can start to be so as I spend time with Him in His Word.  Find the time today to stop over for some spiritual meat and don’t complicate the time, pick up the Bible and read a chapter slowly, asking before you do for God to enlighten your understanding of what you are about to read and for things to see and apply in your own life.  You’ll be surprised how it can fill your soul and make the day a better and more spiritually substantive, “meaty” day !


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