Mazes in Life’s Paths

My wife and I took a day trip recently and coming back to our area came up on a maze of roads in which if you’re not paying close attention you can easily take the wrong exit. That’s what I did at that place when we moved to our area to start our church. Before the days of cell phones she took the right turn behind me and kept going yet she had never been to our area yet ! Alone with a baby who was sick in the car seat she proceeded ahead watching the signs and stopping every so often to ask people if she was headed right.  We both did some praying that day and eventually we both came out to our destination ok !!

So we reminisced about that trying day and wondered how we ever survived before cell phones and GPS systems ! Doesn’t life sometimes seem like our eventful trip?  Sometimes we are placed on paths we’ve never trod, we can feel ill prepared to handle a circumstance we’re suddenly faced with as we have no “cell or GPS”, sometimes it feels as though we’re all alone in our journey and we are put into a situation where its just God and us and it can be a little scary. Well not to fear, God is always with us and can get us through any obstacles we might face today.   “God is our refuge and strength,  a very present help in trouble.” (Ps.46:1).   The writers of the psalms faced many of the anxieties we do in life and their words give us great comfort and hope no matter what the situation.  So what’s on your plate today, is it a little frightening? Is a loved one or friend going through some trying ordeal? Remind them the Lord is right there with them as a refuge and as a strength giving us the drive to keep driving.    Remind yourself also of the great truth Jesus left His disciples in a sin laden world when He encouraged them, “. . .Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen” (Mt.28:20) !!  So, next time you come to some twisted maze ahead in your road of life remember and appropriate the presence of God.

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