One Month Closer

Can you believe it, January is toast !  YOU, are one month older, Ha !! Or maybe I should put that another way, YOU are one month closer to heaven !!!  Does that sound better, or no??  Exercise your faith for a sec with me here:  How do you really feel about going there?  I mean, leaving what you have always known here, family, your work, the hobbies you enjoy, your church family, etc.  for something very different and what God tells you is far better.   Remember what Paul wrote as he sat in a Philippian jail, “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. . . For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better”  (1:21-23).

Paul rightly understood that as a Christian life here knowing Christ is an incredible experience “to live is Christ” and should the authorities then take his life it was gain, in reality. Paul was in what we call a “win, win  situation”. So are we once we’re saved !   And he accurately believed also that even though he was in a mental dilemma of sorts – stay, go – stay, go? (though knowing that wasn’t his call) he knew going was in essence by far the better option. I mean, to SEE and “be with Christ; which is FAR BETTER”.  To shed the sin nature, to walk the streets of gold, and not have to endure what we do in this sinful world – its a spiritual no brainer !!

YOU are one month closer to the best time of your eternal life when you stop and think about it !  And trust God that it will be awesome.  Live life today in light of eternity just ahead, one month closer. Why not rack up some eternal rewards this week, do something good in the name of the Lord for someone He has near you.  Serve Him well in your duties through your church this week and resist the temptation to do them just to do them.  Share the gospel while you still have time, ask the Lord to help your testimony to shine for Him today.    Remember, you are really a month closer than you were four weeks ago !!

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