Palm Sunday, the Message

Today is what has been called “Palm Sunday” in observance of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem during that Passsion week when He would eventually go to the cross.  Matthew records the townspeople lauded Jesus by spreading “their garments in the way” while others “cut down branches from the trees and strewed them in the way” which He rode  (Mt.21:8).  This was the custom reserved only for the highest of royalty in their day.     This was His “fifteen minutes of fame” that week  for the popular attention given Him here was soon to give way just a few days later with the words “Crucify Him, crucify Him” (Lk.23:21) and as Luke records it in the Greek imperfect tense it lets us know they were in chant mode and very much stirred against Him.  How fickle man is !  The “affection” shown on Him as He entered the city was akin to the worst April fool’s joke !

Pondering such a display of so quickly turning from adoration to seeking His life in the cruelest of ways makes me think how consistent I need to be for Him Who has done so much for me. Love is not that which is based in some fleeting feelings stirred up by others but in a solid appreciation and acceptance of  He Who is love itself.   The crowds at the start of that week were swept up in the emotion of His entry and many were doing what they were because others were.  Later as they called for His blood before Pilate, the religious “elite” had stirred the mass into a frenzy against Him, so their  emotions were being manipulated by man’s sinful natures not God’s sinless love.

As you think of the unsteady reactions of the Jews that Passion week, let it motivate you to fix your heart on Him. He was steady in His commitment to you to proceed to His cross so that you could be saved and enjoy an intimate relationship with Him now, even knowing of the faking we can do at times and that the Jews certainly engaged in.  When others need to get real and we’re prone to dismiss them, love them as He does you.  Forge ahead in love, even if others be fickle around you, thats the real message of Palm Sunday !!

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