What’s the Use?

Today is election day in Pennsylvania.  I know some Christians feel what’s the use,  what difference will it really make with so many people voting not attuned to the facts?!  And then once many of the people get elected they get power drunk and abuse their offices.  So it’s easy to become cynical and jaded about the entire process !       I was telling our church just this past Sunday that I heard a parent trying to deal with that same attitude in her teenager who is now voting age.  But God reminded me of a verse that we need to hold dear not just in reference to politics but in any area of endeavor God allows for us to do and we start to conclude “what’s the use?” . It is Galatians 6:9, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due  we shall reap if we faint not.” ”   It is a simple and straightforward maxim but loaded with a wealth of hope !  Let’s “dissect” it for a moment and apply it to us today !!

Paul begins with “let us” inferring not one person is exempt at times from feeling “what’s the use?”  so he challenges and urges EACH reader to the mindset espoused here.   Things may be going well lately but in this world, invariably, they won’t. You will “sow” only to see a “weed” sprout !  But stay at it !  Which is why he continues with the admonition to not “be weary”.   At times we will get so but we must take heart for where God promises, there is hope ! So we must keep plodding along, but in what ? In “well doing” !   If you sow a row of peas, some may not  “take” but normally most will !!  Placing those seeds in decent soil, watering, fertilizing, allowing for time and sunshine and soon you have a crop of exactly what you have planted. So if you keep doing “well” or what is in accord with God’s Word you CAN expect in time a GOOD harvest !  God promises this !!!  In due season we SHALL reap, but with the caveat that you don’t get weary or as Paul says “if we faint not”.  That is the condition and if fulfilled the God of all the universe says this is what you can bank on my friend !

Have you been plugging along in some service for Him and not seeing much from it?  Have you been applying His Word in some way only to see less than stellar results ?  Are things trying at work or in a relationship yet you know you are doing as God has commanded?  Well, stay at it and in time you will look back not only seeing a great harvest but learning some valuable lessons along the way as well !  What’s the use?  God is using you in His grand plan, so stay at it !!


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