God’s creation, or nature as we often hear it called, is loaded with spiritual lessons for us. In our backyard is a HUGE oak tree. When the yard gets loaded with its fallen leaves it still has many more yet to fall. Consequently, the fall is a busy time in the back yard. In the front yard there is a HUGE oak tree that our neighbor owns. Consequently, the fall is a busy time in the front yard. Get the picture?  Its great shade in the heat of the summer sun though, there’s a positive !

But those leaves start to drop off as  the cold sets in and their life is gone, the old dies out making room once again in the spring for the new life that will burst forth each branch ! So it is with us who are saved. Spring reminds me of resurrection, I think deep down thats one reason many of us like it. Paul touched a bit on this in 2Cor.5:17 when he wrote, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things become new.”  The Lord’s given us a life that is new and vibrant and we’ll enjoy even more and enduring wonders at the resurrection of the body to its glorified state !

But what about now? We live in a fallen world, much like those autumn leaves there’s a special lesson to comprehend. Our sinful nature needs to be put to death daily just as Paul said in the resurrection chapter, “.  .  . I die daily” (1Cor.15:31).  The apostle religiously devoted his heart each day to the will of his Master rather than try to run his life as he saw fit and so crucified his desires.  For Paul, he understood correctly life didn’t revolve around him  but the Maker of the leaves !   We must let the new life we have in Christ take root and rule us each day as the Lord spoke in Jn.15:5, “I AM the Vine, ye are the branches. He that abideth (remains) in Me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without Me ye can do NOTHING.”    The word “abideth” stresses we must make it our ongoing practice to stay close to Him, walking in obedience and in His strength and not our own power or path.

Old habits sometimes die hard, like the oak tree in our front yard. It’s leaves will typically remain throughout the winter but when those new leaves begin to sprout each spring the old ones have no place to go but off and down !  But even old “die hard” habits are no match for the power of our Creator !!  As you recognize and confess those old sinful habits and stop excusing them and replace them with the power and practices Christ can give you the old will fall off.   Oh, you will still falter at times -thats our lot until the old nature completely is gone when we’re in His presence but you can see victory over sin and a life that is more and more like His even now if you let Him have His way in your heart.  So its time to rake up those old leaves. God has new life in store for YOU !!!