News of relevance to our church and community !!


[1] The Lord’s Day is upon us so hope to see you then. Kids classes and our Adult Sunday School class begin at 9:45 a.m. followed by the Main Service and hour later.

[2] Easter service times at the end of March are listed on the Events tab and will be announced at church all this month.

[3] Keep our ailing loved ones in your prayers: Keep Connie Braucht in your prayers, she has seen great progress. And, for Dan Keller’s sister Kathy as she is almost finished with a novel treatment for cancer so pray it works ! Also, for Elin K who is undergoing treatment for cancer.

[4] Be in prayer for our nation and world, and especially our own area for souls to be saved ! Ask God to give you opportunities to share the gospel with people, ask Him to help you see those opportunities and for the courage to speak for Him so that people understand how to be saved & get saved !!

[5] Our nation is under assault from Satanic forces, pray for our country !!! We will be conducting Sunday School lessons after Easter in our Adult department in line with the film Nefarious to examine how the enemy works and how to overcome him.

[6] Pray for your church and its dear folks every day !!! We welcome Dave Watkins as our newest member !

[7] Remember our shutins in your prayers and visit or send an occasional note !!!!

[8] Remember our FB group called Nittany Baptist Church Prayer & Praise to connect with others about prayer requests or to encourage others spiritually.

[9] Remember to feed your mind and soul with good reading materials and music from our church bookstore. We also have NEW Daily Breads devotionals and Bible reading schedules for 2024 for YOU to help you stay on track !!

(10) We have many attenders we would love to see join our church, see the Pastor if interested.

(11) Make it a MAJOR matter of prayer as to a permanent place for us !! ******

(12) Pray this week for the Dillons in Israel.


Send us a Prayer Request