The ancient Romans had a saying that is very good advice: “Carpe Diem” (seize the day),  in short, take advantage of life’s opportunities. As I think about our church’s calendar this week, its pretty busy but pretty exciting. We have been running parenting classes and its great to see eager parents yearning to know what God says about this critical ministry and to have a few laughs together in an informal setting and share stories and struggles of parenting and seek God’s solutions.   Then the usual meetings with the church at large in a midweek Bible study then once again next Sunday for Friends Day ! Always thrilling to see believers who truly take this seriously and reach out to get others to God’s house and then when someone new shows up !!    And also a church activity with a lot of fun and good food is a bonus but bonding as a church is so healthy too.

The early church got it right, they took very seriously the opportunties before them to worship, fellowship & even eat together. I wonder if corny jokes were just as much a part of fellowship then as now?! Anyway, as you read  Acts it sure appears people were committed to their churches and being so the church (including the individual members) thrived spiritually for being so involved.  We have a good group, for which I am thankful, and so these times are weekly highlights that boost my spirits and bring my heart closer to theirs.  Well you have a week in front of you too, with lots of opportunities to grow and fellowship. What will you choose to do?  How will you contribute?   Make it a spiritually profitable week !    Carpe Diem to you !!!