Last night I took supper to my wife, she has been working on a HUGE project at her workplace and she also has looming over her the potential of being a juror on what’s been called the most historic court case in our county’s history and which has attracted national attention. She’s been putting in insanely long hours at work in event she is picked for this trial to try and do as much as she can while she can for her boss.  This morning she left around 5 a.m. and worked until about 11 last evening.   That’s been about typical for her workload for a while now as they try to work on some key things for our region and state with high ranking state and local officials. Its been said crises reveal our character and so they are a great opportunity to tell you where you are and where you need to be.  I’m seeing more and more I have a rare gem in my wife !!  But as a husband affected by all this, I can’t help but think of wanting to do all I can to ease her strain, so I pray more, bring a meal, send through an email or text (not much time for calls) to encourage and listen when she needs to vent.  Yet I know this is all part of God’s plan for us, and like most, when you’re in similar shoes you can’t wait to know WHY !

But it reminds me of a verse I shared with our church not long ago in Hebrews 4:15, “For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities: but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.”     We’re not like the Old Testament Jews in the sense that our High priest (unlike their sin born ones) CAN be “touched” with what we feel and go through. He knows intimately and perfectly your struggles and strains.    The phrase “touched with the feeling” in the original is a compound word, that is, it’s one word made from two that here literally means to feel with !   We get our word  “sympathy” from it and it means true compassion !!   Jesus can relate to what you go through, even better than another human friend can, even better than you yourself can !!!  And He’s there FOR YOU !   Tough times call for a tender Savior, Who knows our every need, how much we can handle, where we need support, etc.   Yes, He does desire to console us through others at times and that’s why its important we pray for folks and do what we can to hold them up as they did Moses’ heavy arms.  These are opportunities for friends to show themselves friendly and “bear ye one another’s burdens and so fulfill the Law of Christ” (Gal.6:2).

When you’re in a tough spot it’s very encouraging to be shown such encouragement. When your friends are, be an extension of Christ and show them His sympathy (pray, help where you can, thank them for their efforts for you and others, etc.) – I know I have a long way to go in working at this but baby steps are good because even then when you do you’re fulfilling the very Law of Christ !!