Yesterday I got to spend some time with a man in our church who has been saved recently and also had a good conversation with another great guy in our church over the phone.   What an encouragement both fellas are as I see the Lord working in their lives.  Sometimes we think won’t it be great when we see Christ one day?  And certainly it will but in the meantime isn’t it great to see Him through the lives of His children?! This is perhaps the thing that makes Christian fellowship so very special.

As a very new believer I was completely enamored by the church God had led me to and the many very special people there. One Wednesday night after church I was invited by some folks to a “party” that Friday night.  To me, as a new believer, in my late teens “party” had a different sense than what they meant, so I asked them what we would be doing and they said, “We’ll have some food, some laughs and play some board games.”     Immediately, I was thinking “Woo hoo, sounds like a “great” time !!” (Sarcastically, of course).     But when I left the party that evening I’d had  the best time “partying” I’d ever experienced.  Why? Great Christian fellowship !!!

How important it is that we have the same for our lives and that we extend that to others, especially newer believers who need to really learn how to party and be uplifted by the company of their new siblings in Christ!  The early church didn’t always do things right as we don’t but they did start off very well with fellowship.  Dr. Luke records for us, “And all that believed were together. . .breaking bread from house to house”  (Acts 2:44,46).    It’s also vital to realize that such times we get together are opportunities, yes for you to enjoy the fellowship, but to minister as well. Ask the Lord beforehand to help you be an example in attitude, conversation, and encouragement rather than just get with others for gossip or tearing down others.

Make a commitment this weekend, invite someone out for ice cream or dinner after church, or in the near future plan to have someone over for some fellowship and enjoy the company of Christ in them and show Him to them through your life, He’s there if you’re saved, so you certainly can do that.  But all in all enjoy fellowship with folks in your church, it’s one of the “perks” of the Christian life – “party on !!”