It’s getting noticeably cooler around here lately as fall approaches. But that’s fine with me, I’ll take 60’s & 70’s over 90’s any day.  How about you? What’s your favorite season of the year?  Last night I was talking to a lady and her husband in our church and she also enjoys fall the most, some folks love spring with all the flowers starting to bloom, others love the heat and going to the beach, and a few odd ones out there love snow, ha !  God has made sure to give us a variety of climatic changes to enjoy here in PA and most other places (unlike our friends “suffering for the Lord” in Hawaii and other tropic locales). And of course, it will be soon that we’ll be cursing the ice and cold like we did the heat in July !

Don’t we struggle with being content?  We are in good company for Paul admitted he did when he wrote from a prison cell to the Philippians saying, “. . .for I have learned in whatsoever state I am in therewith to be content.” (4:11).  Note he said he’d “learned”.  Contentment isn’t inborn with us, it is a spiritually acquired attitude. He continues, “. . . I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things thr0ugh Christ which strengtheneth me.” !!  Most people are down when their day goes bad, up when it goes well. When we’re asked how we’re doing, most will respond based on their current circumstances.  Why? We do so when governed by our situation rather than our Savior !  When Paul wrote to the Philippians, he was in chains 24/7 !

I had a professor, who whenever I saw him and asked him “How are you?”, he’d always smile and say, “Excellent !!!”  I think he was pretty much on target with reality not our skewed perception based on our day.  As a Christian, you are “excellent” no matter what, when it comes right down to it. You are “accepted in the Beloved” as a Christian, you are heavenbound, even if you are undergoing a trial, God is working to bring about great good in your life as He did with Joseph, Daniel, Ruth and so many others.  And of course if things are going “good”, you’re also excellent ! So no matter what the season, learn to be content. And as you are learning this your attitude you will draw folks to Christ, not just because you stand out in the crowd but you will exhibit a sweetness that only Christ can bring despite the circumstances or seasons of life !