It is very interesting to see the hand of God at work in the lives of people as a pastor.  This morning I travelled on ice and snow covered roads for several miles to be with an older man who I’d led to Christ not long ago and his daughter.  He is dying of cancer and she is understandably discouraged and caring for him at home.   He could barely open his eyes to look at me and respond yet I’m so glad to know he will be in heaven when this earthly trial is over for him.  As the daughter, hospice nurse and I sat and chatted, the daughter told me it’s been rough and she has been given a prescription to medicate her should she need relief from the emotional duress.

I looked her straight in the eyes and told her that what is far better for her is fixing her mind on the truth.  While we are in such situations it is so easy to focus exclusively on our troubles and so then we do get down. And the world says, “Medicate, Medicate !”  But the Lord wants to be our comfort and peace.    I reminded her she has had almost 90 years to enjoy her Dad and his body is worn out, his earthly sojourn almost ended.  Remember to be glad he’s saved, and that the same salvation he received enables any of his family to be with him forever too.   Where she has been dwelling a lot on his deteriorating condition, its the Word that was able to encourage her of his soon to be eternal blessing !  This woman has yet to darken the door of our church, but it makes me wonder that God is at work using even this sad happening to bring another couple to Him and they too find the peace that can only be found in Jesus Christ.

Are you burdened by some earthly trial lately?  Do you know someone who is?  Remember, to let His peace pervade your mind and as Paul wrote the Philippians so many years ago now, “And the peace OF God which passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (4:7).    Lean on His Word for comfort, encouragement, hope, strength and when you do His peace will keep or guard you mentally in a way that Prozac never could ! And why? Because this is “through, not some pharamaceutical company, but CHRIST JESUS.”  !!!!