The other day I got out the old lawnmower and did some pre-mowing maintenance.  I changed the dirty oil from last year and the air filter and when I put the new air filter on I noticed a marked difference from last year’s one, it was white !! Clean, fresh & brand new !!!  Next year I’m sure I will need to do it all over again but instead of an old dusty filter it was pristine and uncontaminated from the dust and grime of this world.

How about you?  We chug along day after day and before we realize it the filter of our mind has been sullied by the elements of this old world system.  A foul picture, a tidbit of gossip, etc. And aside from these things our own flesh is inherently filthy and needs regular spiritual bathing, yet we can so quickly get caught up in worry, fear, undue guilt, etc. and before we know it our “filter” is grimy !  Yes, we know we need to spend time in the Word, and we know we need to turn worry into trust and pray instead of mull over in our minds “whatever will I do about this??” over and over again.

I saw an interesting saying today that was a “To Do List”  and it said (if memory serves me):  Things I need to Do:  Kiss my Spouse, Read My Bible, Talk to God and then underneath was this –  Things to Get Done After:   Do my Work, Run Some Errands, Pay the bills, etc.   Proper priorities are vital and we get the right ones from God’s Word but are you putting a premium on keeping the filter of your mind clean?  “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to visit the widows and fatherless in their affliction and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” (James 1:27).  Stay clean and you will enjoy His peace, His power and the passion you should have as His child !!  You run better with a clean filter !!!