I thought I’d share something I just learned from another preacher friend of mine who lost his son last year to cancer. His son was only in his early twenties and had fought a valiant fight against the disease  but in the process of the chemo and radiation his good lung was damaged and the other one was cancerous. Needless to say his days here were numbered once both lungs were affected so. But as my friend watched his son pass that day he told me his son was sitting in a chair and the last thing he did was to reach out his arms and he said, “I see a lot of people and houses !” and with that he breathed his last breath and slipped off into eternity.   My grandfather, who I had the privilege to lead to Christ, also beckoned with his arms before he passed away also.   Wouldn’t it be something that we could see while we are here what they saw right before they went home to be with their Savior?

Not long before Jesus knew He was to be crucified He told His disciples, “Let not your heart be troubled, ye believe in God; believe also in Me. In my Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for YOU.” (Jn.14:1-2).   Some would conclude such folks then are delusional, heavily medicated, etc. but in both instances these men were neither.   And the clincher is Jesus Himself describes heaven as filled with such places or mansions !      Do you worry about death?  Do you wonder about those who have passed on already? If you are truly born again, such questions can be alleviated and answered by Jesus’ words (even above human accounts of imminent death experiences) !!

Note the Lord’s precious words at the end of verse 2″ “I go to prepare a place for YOU” !  Isn’t that encouraging?!  He knows you very well, He has the place all decked out in heavenly style !!  There awaits the child of God an eternal bliss no earthly dwelling can even compare to.  The famed architect Frank Lloyd Wright would be in total awe.  So as you trudge through life today keep doing what He wants as long as He wants you here but bear in mind there is something wonderful in store in your future thanks to our Savior !!