If you are doing the Scripture reading in the bulletin for this week you may find some of the sections a bit challenging as in Joshua some of what we will read deals with dividing up the land.  So Joshua lays out each of the tribe’s territories in great detail.   Granted its not the ideal place for a brand new Christian to start reading the Bible, Ha !    But it is nonetheless recorded for us for a reason.  There are genealogies, listing of peoples, cities, etc.  that we read in the Word of God we may wonder why?!   Rest assured it’s not as some preachers or even people do, to fill up space ! I can say that being both!!   God has His reasons and He does let us know that “ALL Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is PROFITABLE for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. . .” (2Tim.3:16).    He says clearly here there is something beneficial for us spiritually !

One of the things I get out of such sections is the order of our God.  He is not as Satan, in any sense an Author of confusion. He is organize, nothing is out of whack with Him.    Look at your life, you can easily spot things amiss.  How does you bed look right now, or your hair, how about your teeth (are there leftovers in there?, ha), is your car in need of a good cleaning, and I won’t even go there with your closets or underwear drawer ! Yes, we are not always the tidiest of beings but God is orderly in ALL His ways and since that is so, you can count on Him knowing the very hairs of your head and the very nature and level of your problems. Not only does He know, He truly cares.  Not only does He care, because He is so highly organized He has had the answers to ANY situation or decision you face ALREADY embedded in His Word for you to read and apply. And His Spirit is within you once you are saved so that you now have the power available to you through Him to do what is needed in each scenario you face !!      Think of these things the next time you run into a tedious portion of the Word to read !!!