It is amazing how God manifests Himself to us even in the “little things” of life.   I was dropping my wife off at Walmart for a simple return and not wanting to wade through the crowds decided to drop her off while I waited in the car.  As I jockeyed my vehicle for  a strategic position to pick her up upon her exit, I parked the car exactly where Cindy would be parked.  I didn’t know Cindy was parked there but she was.

Who is Cindy?  She is a wonderful Christian woman and Mom I’d met in Walmart some time back. I’d admired her children and how well she and her husband have disciplined them as they were so well behaved. I chatted with her and them and once in while God crosses our paths.  Cindy and her family (though we do not know each other very well yet – one day we shall all enjoy eternity together and get to know each other much better) are a wonderful encouragement to me.  She may not have realized it as we briefly chatted today, but she told me she still read these blogs. That was personally encouraging and God used her !

Hebrews 10:24-25 says, “And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and good works: not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” Note the word “consider” as the passage begins.   There must be a mental/spiritual decision to encourage someone. The real key in this (since so many dwell on themselves and don’t give much thought to uplifting others) is one’s daily walk with Christ.  He is the driving force for us to be genuine encouragers and to think how we could minister to someone. Left to ourselves we’ll fixate on us, but when we give our heart to Him we become more considerate, more loving, more caring !

People are going though a lot at times. All kinds of trials weigh us down, but a simple word may pick someone up and then God has used you and manifested Himself to them through YOU !  Cindy is a blessing to me, I can tell from knowing her just briefly she takes her role as a Mom, a wife, a Christian very seriously and works hard at them. Thanks again Cindy, God is well pleased with your encouraging nature !!  And anyone else reading out there, tap into Christ today and let Him encourage you through His Word and in turn you will look to encourage others too !!!