We had a great Bible study tonight. Always good to see folks eager to come and hear the Lord’s Word !   I like it when we sing the song “Why?”  before the message as the hymn asks the question about WHY Jesus was crucified and answers that He paid the ransom for ME !   I hope you have actually personalized that precious answer and been legitimately born again.  If not check out the tab on our website called “How to Get to Heaven”.  If you have, then you truly grasp the answer to the query, “Why?” !!

We were in Nehemiah 7 tonight in our study in the book about BUILDING for God.  The walls had been built at that point in this book, the gates secured but Nehemiah did not rest easy though Satan had been beaten in the previous chapter with his various schemes.  Just as we dare not become complacent in our Christian life. Nehemiah set guards at the walls, in the city itself. He did not underestimate the attempts or ability of the enemy to undo the gains made for God. Nor must we !    Erect safeguards in your life. Don’t resort to questionable behavior or put yourself in a spot to be tempted, be diligent to spend time with Christ and build your relationship with Him, regularly confess YOUR sin to stay in fellowship with Him.

Also,  as Nehemiah selected good men to oversee the new work of God we also must choose godly friends as our best friends and like those appointed leaders we also need to be “faithful” (full of faith, reliable) people who decide to rise above the norms and stand up for the Lord ! Aspire to be Christlike and not worldly.  WHY?  Because Jesus did the greatest work FOR you !  Doesn’t it then  make sense we should give our best to Him??!!!