It’s 5 a.m. and not  a creature is stirring, wait that’s another story.  Anyway, its Christmas morning !!  There’s something about an early Christmas morning that makes me want to be up early and ready to go and enjoy the day.  Later on (but not much later) in homes with young children, houses will come alive with action (creatures definitely stirring), today churches will be stirring with worship, moms and grandmoms will be stirring the christmas food, etc.   Its a busy and joyous day !

Last night, not too long before we went to bed and the house wasn’t stirring I received a text from a young lady. My wife & I met her when we were out shopping together and we’ve been trying to get her and her fiance out to church.  So she texted, “Do you have church tomorrow?”  My first reaction was to text her back “Does McDonalds have grease?”   But resisting the corny humor I opted for a “Yes” and puzzled over who this anonymous texter was.  But then it dawned on me by the number and so I texted back asking if it were her and also if she was bringing her fellar? Her last text was “yepper !”   This stirred our hearts, but imagine what happens to the heart of God when we step up to the plate to do something for Him ?!   You can be a Christmas gift to the Lord today by doing something He wants you to do too !!

“I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice ,holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” (Rom.12:1).   The motivation for our obedience and giving of ourselves to the Lord ought to be “the mercies of God” and when we do offer ourselves to Him wholly, He is delighted !  John wrote this, “I have NO GREATER JOY than to hear that My children walk in truth.” (3Jn.4).  John wrote it, God authored it.  So in inspiration we have what my wife & I felt too yet God even moreso  when people decide to do something God says to do !!   That is a Christmas gift to the Lord.    Make yourself His present by presenting yourself to Him !!