Last night we were coming home from a dinner invite and the people ahead of us were driving very slow. Why?  Snow and ice had hit the area and people were playing it safe. Normally on this stretch of road that seems to not be the norm (playing it safe) but the conditions curbed the normal Indy 500 type speeds !    That was a good case where care and wisdom was being shown in light of the circumstances, people were allowing the situation to govern how they drove.

In the Christian life it is always right to be wise in light of our lot in life but it is not the wisest to allow what is happening in and around our lives to dictate what we decide or what “road we take” !  We used to jokingly say in college the theme for most folks is “let your glands be your guide”, whatever pleases ME I will choose, what’s in my best interests is the path I’ll take, etc.  We, as children of God, need to follow a higher and nobler path in the course of life.   A prominent place in the Old Testament which many believers  have committed to memory is “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.” (Prov.3:5-6).   Solomon knew the value of not letting circumstances or his own feelings determine which way he thought and turned in his life.

Perhaps you are facing some rather trying situation and the easiest path looks enticing to take. You have prayed about God releasing you from it and have been tempted to use that to make a turn, knowing deep down inside it’s based in what you want and not in what the principles of Scripture teach.   So there’s that temptation to say “I prayed about it and have peace about it, etc”.   God doesn’t want to be the excuse for a bad choice but instead the encouragement to a good one !   Decisions, especially when the circumstances are a bit dicey, are His way of honing your faith and utilizing His wisdom so that you come to trust Him more.   So when life’s road gets a bit slippery, play it safe, drive God’s way -it’ll get you home in good stead  as you prove “what is acceptable unto the Lord” (Eph.5:10) !!