My older brother kids me once in a while that I only work one day a week. At least I think he’s kidding !!  Anyway, a pastor’s work tends to culminate every week towards Sunday much like most people’s do on a Friday, then, ahh, Saturday you get to sleep in a little and relax some. And yes, for me, Monday has a certain “ahh” factor but Sunday has a lot of that frankly.  There’s the enjoyment of seeing  the folks at church, the blessing of being able to share what God has shown you through your studies and to share with the church, and the thrill of maybe someone new attending and even moreso when people respond to the Word ! Ahh !!

Imagine what the Lord must’ve thought inside before He had to tell Peter “Get thee behind me, Satan !” (Mt.16:23 )  when the disciples just were not getting it ~ less than “ahhh” !   But then when all His efforts came together so that they began to believe and Peter said  “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God” !! or they grasped the resurrection indeed did occur and through the book of Acts when they preached, and served and led many a soul to Christ !   Ahhhh !!     A lady came up to me after church today and she wanted me to know, since I had pressed some in the sermon about being sure you are saved, that she was in fact born again but she wanted to talk further about some spiritual struggles to get better on track this new year.  Ahhh, someone is responding to the Lord. Someone wants to do His will – Ahhh !!      Remember what John said, or should I better say the Lord said through John, in 3Jn.4: “I have no greater joy than to hear that My children walk in truth.”    He is relieved, encouraged, heartened when we seek to do His will !    We prompt a big “Ahh” from God then, not so much because He is taking some R&R but He’s overjoyed we’re getting it !   Strive to hearten God today in some way, think seriously about what you heard from His Word today and apply it by His strength and bless God with an “Ahhhh” !!