Who amongst us has not by now heard or used the term “issues”. He or she has issues, we say !   The “Gimel” part of Ps.119 deals with issues.  It speaks to issues you may have with the Bible and also issues others may as well who do not believe it.   For example, the most basic of issues we all personally have with the Word of God is not wanting, at times, to follow what it says.  So in verse 17 the writer here was very honest about this issue. He knew he had some baggage and needed help so he prayed, “Deal bountifully with Thy servant, that I may live, and keep Thy Word.”   He wasn’t trying to bargain with the Lord but requesting that God would help his issue of a basic nature that chafes against doing what’s right.  Perhaps the issue was he was allowing the rigors of life to weaken his faith.   Are you struggling to do what’s right?  Does deviating from the truth look so welcoming and easy?  As you look around and see others who aren’t living by the Scriptures thriving, is it so tempting to cave?  Ask for God’s help, He knows your issues and He loves you still and has the strength you need to stay the course and best the sin issue !

Then in verse 23 it says “Princes also did sit and speak against me: but Thy servant did meditate in Thy statutes.”    There are those who have greater issues with God and His Word and when they know you don’t as much, will give you grief.   In short, he’s saying here to us not to lash out in kind but to stay focused on doing the right thing, meditate on the Word !  That means to ponder, think on carefully rather than let their issues govern your thoughts and cause you to plot against them.    He concludes by saying “Thy testimonies also are my delight and my counselors.” (vs24).  Turn to those God inspired (Paul, David, Solomon, John, etc.) and heed their words of counsel not the issues of the ungodly and you will be fine !

Got any issues? We all do !  We struggle with our own sin nature and the sin around us too.  Take issue with these by seeking God’s help through prayer and His precious Word !!