What a long day but what a good day today.  Up very early for not only sunrise service but preparing for family to come after church it was a busy but fulfilling Easter.  How special it was though to be with family and our church family.  Each person who comes out is special to us and of course to our risen Savior.  Very early there rolls in one of our faithful families bringing in a van load of older folks to church, some were cooking breakfast for us, some were ministering to us special music and some had decorated the church and helped with lawnmowing, etc.  It was a team the Lord would be proud of this Easter !  Paul equated the church family or body to our human bodies in his letter to the Corinthians and like the various parts of our anatomies, we all need each other and are to function together as a finely tuned machine.   And when we do I can’t help but think how the Lord must look at the whole situation then and be honored by such an effort !

Jesus Christ did so much for us that first Easter weekend.  When we keep serving the Lord from the heart, we honor that incredible sacrifice of love He first gave for each of us.  Yes, at times you will be tired beyond tired, at times you may feel underappreciated but rest assured He sees all and is greatly honored:   “For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love, which ye have shown toward His name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.”  (Heb.6:10) –  you make it a Happy Easter for Him !!