Last evening I was chatting with an older woman at the retirement community we do a service for and she was telling me how God had answered prayer for her. This woman was saved through our ministry there in the past year and it’s been a joy to see her faith in the Lord lived out. She was thrilled to see the hand of God at work in her life and I listened eagerly to her story and how it unfolded in the past week.  For a pastor these kind of conversations make the ministry so worth it !

I think sometimes we just get caught up in life here and it’s so easy to live independently of Him.   Jesus told His disciples in Jn.15 “I am the Vine, ye are the branches; he that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit; for without Me ye can do nothing.” (vs5). How true that we need to stay connected to the Lord, yet how easy it is to disconnect.   All the more reason to not grow weary of confessing our sin, to be constant about walking in fellowship and to stay strong by taking the time to read His Word and commune with Him in prayer.  When we do, the fruit cannot be staved off, it will come !!  Prayer will be answered, joy will be had, peace will result and not the kind “spiritual Christians” try to manufacture but the true spiritual yield only God can through an obedient life !

Are you caught in a rut of self-sufficiency lately?  Why not stop for a moment, confess the matter and ask God to forgive and restore the fellowship and look for the fruit !!  If you have been walking with Him, stay at it and be an encouragement to others to the same by sharing with them just as this lady did with me how the gracious hand of God is at work !!