Corona comes from the Latin meaning “crown”. Scientists dubbed our virus of the hour the coronavirus due to the spiky crown on the surface of the microorganism. A crown though, as we know, is the symbol of one who rules or who has achieved some standing such as a victor’s crown in ancient and biblical times or even for us as church age believers who will one day cast our crowns at His feet (Rev.4:10) for having served Him well here. It is Jesus Who deserves THE crown since He is the One Who rules over all and to Whom one day every knee shall bow (Phil.2:10) !

Right now the world is in the grip of fear over a crowned unseen virus. As a Christian we do need to be wise and take precautions to minimize the reign of such a plague over not just our body (good and regular handwashing & hygiene, adequate sunlight, etc.) but especially our soul (living in such a panic that I fear sickness or death more than I fear or reverence the Lord and His Word – God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power, and of love and a sound mind, 2 Tim.1:7). While it’s true you may watch too much news and become overly anxious at times, it’s also true you have a more sure Word in the Bible to alleviate the angst this old world may throw at you !! Pardon me for being blunt (sorta) but, you are a child of God if born again and you’re just passing through so even the worst case scenario comes and you catch the bug and die, you’re outta here and scot free from any more viruses !! So live what you say you believe then and don’t let Satan make you sweat because you belong to the King !!

The crown we most like to wear though is the crown of ME ! We like to run the show, to call the shots, and have it our way. When we get saved we meet the Sovereign of the Universe and we bow to His terms for salvation by admitting our sinfulness and that in no way can we by our efforts merit heaven, we learn and accept we need a Savior. It’s truly a bow the knee to THE King moment when we are born again. But often afterwards (and this is where our growth as a believer begins to be stunted) we decide we know best. We resist the simple yet powerful disciplines of spending time to converse with He Who rules the galaxies and deigns to rule our heart. So a simple time of just talking to Him and letting Him talk to you through carefully reading His Word is relaxed and replaced by “better” things we WANT to get done. Rather than, “Yes Lord, I will submit to You”, its “No Lord, I am too busy with “my” life right now !” There is nothing like a regular time spent with Jesus to empower and embolden you spiritually and fit you for the day whatever it may bring (you can better conquer fear, have victory over temptation, enjoy His peace, etc).

So this crowny virus may very well be brought upon us for one major reason: to finally bow to THE One Who is unmatched in power !! We look to the CDC for our guidelines, the President’s task force for information and a blueprint to live each day, we hope for a cure and pray for an end so our lives can “get back to normal”. And therein lies the rub, you may just need a new normal, where God is TRULY ruling in your heart not you, not the fears this world can bring or even the “expertise of men”. The psalmist wrote, “Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.  Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:  Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;  Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who CROWNS thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies” (Ps.103:1-4). Today, make sure your heart is truly given to Him. If there is sin to confess do so without delay, if there is commitment that needs to be started then engage in it and stay at it with His help each day ! He is so desirous to enjoy a relationship with YOU but YOU must let Him wear the crown or the virus of sin will eat away at your life robbing you of the crowns He longs to give to you as rewards for a life lived FOR Him !! Slow the spread by serving the CROWN !!