Some of the caffeine charged folks out there will appreciate this illustration, or not ! Not long ago it was rumored that the Coca-Cola company was working on a vending machine which would automatically up the price of a soda as the temperature rose. After a storm of protest though the soft drink company backed down saying, “Contrary to some erroneous press reports, the Coca-Cola company is not introducing vending machines that raise the price of soft drinks in hot weather.” Instead they company said it is exploring “innovative technology and communication systems that can actually improve product availability, promotional activity, and even offer consumers an interactive experience when they purchase a soft drink from a vending machine.”
Some were still not buying it saying things like, “Who wants to have an interactive experience buying a Coke?” and “I like to interact with people, not machines !” The Bible doesn’t seek to take advantage of people nor does it’s Author change with the weather. The writer of Hebrews states, “Jesus Christ the SAME, yesterday, and today, and forever” (13:8) and Malachi penned, “For I AM the Lord, I change NOT. . .” (3:6). The immutability of God is a tremendous comfort to us in so many ways. It means, for one, that His promises are sure and when Jesus proclaimed on the cross that salvation’s price was paid with “It is finished” that our salvation in Him is secure !
People waver but God does not. And the fact that God is unchanging also means His love is permanent as Paul wrote in the closing verse of Romans 8 when he said that nothing would be able to “separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (vs.39). You want Someone you can depend upon, its God, not Coca-Cola (as much as you may be hooked on the stuff) ! Are you feeling unloved lately? NEVER by God ! Has someone taken advantage of you in some way? God WON’T ! It’s we who have taken advantage of Him MANY times over yet He remains steadfast in His love for us !! The immutability of God, rest in it !!!