A lesson from a good ole Pooch

Nearly every morning “Pooch” stops by our door for his daily dose of protein from the neighbors, namely me ! Yep, Pooch is a dog owned by our neighbors and knows I’m a soft touch.  But he’s a good ole boy. So I grab a piece of bologna or some other meaty thing and he takes his treasure on his way (unless he inhales it first).  Can you blame him, he’s a dog with a penchant for meat  and I’m a sucker for a sad canine face with hungry eyes !  So it makes for a morning meat meet !!

In a way, shouldn’t we all kinda be like Pooch? In the sense that we desire to know God better and know His Word more? Peter thought so when he wrote, “As newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the Word. . .” (1Pt.2:2). Peter came to crave what God’s Word said as he grew in his faith. We let other things crowd out that morning stop sometimes. Busyness, routines, people, events all keep us from coming to see the Lord and seeing what He can feed us in the Bible each day.   Well Peter said we should, just like a baby wants milk, come to the Scriptures and read them regularly. But why when I have this to do or that to do, why when i have tried and find them hard to understand? Or when I’ve read it before? Peter said we should so that we can GROW is how the rest of that verse goes !  

You may be an adult or an adult in your elder years but there’s always room for growth with God. I can be more honest, more loving, less bitter, less complaining. In short, I can be more Christlike and can start to be so as I spend time with Him in His Word.  Find the time today to stop over for some spiritual meat and don’t complicate the time, pick up the Bible and read a chapter slowly, asking before you do for God to enlighten your understanding of what you are about to read and for things to see and apply in your own life.  You’ll be surprised how it can fill your soul and make the day a better and more spiritually substantive, “meaty” day !


A New Birth

Its always great to hear of the news that someone you know is going to have a baby. This summer we got news our son and his wife are expecting their first child (sah-weet !!), we have a great young couple coming to our church who look to have their first in the fall too.  The prospect of new life is always a highlight and what’s also been pretty cool is the second births of some folks who have started to come to our church too !   One Sunday about a month ago was especially thrilling to me as a pastor when a man asked Christ into his heart during the morning service then after an evening service that same day a woman who has terminal cancer and is in her 80’s also received the Lord !   Some weeks before that a new couple I’m discipling also were born again !    

A baby always makes a difference to a new home and certainly does to a church.  Some of the signs of the new birth are highlighted in 1 John to assure us that once we have grasped the gospel and seriously accepted that great message we can know we are on our way to heaven. 

 Let me remind you of a few evidences of the new birth:  “. . .he that doeth righteousness is righteous even as He is righteous.  He that committeth sin is of the devil. . .” (1Jn.3:7,8)    “doeth” & “committeth” are present tense participles in the Greek and what that simply means to you the reader is that God is saying the person who typically desires to do right and not wrong (for we all mess up at times) evidences that he’s been born again.  Did you notice a stronger desire to do right and refrain from wrong after you asked Christ to save you?   Another evidence is found in 1 Jn.2:15 “Love not the world neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him”   Simply put this means despite the fact that we all have a gravitational pull towards the world and the things in it due to our sin nature we were originally born with, the genuine Christian who has been born again will DESIRE  spiritual things in a way he or she has not prior to the new birth.   I remember turning off my eight track tapes (I know, that dates me incredibly) to find a sermon on the radio !     A person who truly is saved will desire deep down to know God and His will for your life, to enjoy a spiritual song or sermon or good Christian book. This is because the Holy Spirit has entered your life !

So how about it, has the new birth become a part of your life?  Has the new birth continued to manifest itself in your life? Even a true Christian can “slack off” and at those times we realize we have, its simply a matter of sincerely asking the Lord’s forgiveness to enjoy the tell tale signs of the new birth once again !    John wrote “if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness”  (1:9).   Great news indeed !!

Arts Fest of a Different Sort

Happy Valley hosts art festivals every time this year and though I’m not an artsy guy it is interesting to look at how talented and how unique some of the art is. Within the hundreds of booths there are hundreds of different ways to express talent. And whether or not an artist is a Christian or an atheist, he or she has been given an ability to produce something extraordinary.  So it is with God yet much more so !  David mentioned in Ps.19:1, “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork”.

Those artists may paint a picture but God a sunset. They may sculpt an exquisite pose but He a rugged mountain or meandering stream.   His handiwork calls to mind something that is wise to think on often, namely how He can take a totally messed up life and transform it to one that makes an impact for good.  Consider a few examples in Naomi. Circumstances left her bitter so she renamed herself Mara (meaning just that: “Bitter”) but when she saw the hand of God care for her through Ruth she became sweet Naomi again (meaning “my delight”).   How about the junk Joseph experienced?  His spiritual artistry was crafted for one because he understood that what others meant for evil against him, God used for great good (Gen.50:20). And finally the great apostle Paul.  From a young, religiously zealous Pharisee who persecuted Christians en masse to a church planting juggernaut, he has all the markings of a person who once submitted (the KEY) to the Savior turned a world upside down for great good !   Art festival indeed !!

So what about your life?  Sure you can look around at times and see paint splattered where it shouldn’t be, or a lump of clay yet unmolded.  Have you made a mess and dont know where to start?  Submit yourself to the Master and watch Him work His handiwork in YOU today !    Get out to His house, listen to His Word carefully, apply it faithfully, God is about to paint an awesome picture !

TGIF ?? TGED !!!

TGIF, we’ve all heard or used that acronym for “Thank God It’s Friday”.   It’s an understandable expression for the 40+ hour a work week person or busy student.  But the psalmist had a different perspective when he wrote “This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.”    The word translated “made” is common in Old Testament Hebrew and speaks of making, fashioning, ordaining, appointing and producing to name a few of the uses of this particular word !!

With each day, as we understand it from Scripture here, the Lord’s intent is to use that 24 hour span and no matter what He allows or ordains that His likeness is continually and gradually crafted in YOU !  It may be a heartache you experience this day, it may be a thrill you’d love to revisit another day, it may be what you think to be “just another day” but as we come to understand God and His Word better through each day we can truly rejoice that He is endeavoring to do something great in YOU !        I don’t know about you but I need Him to do something in me ! And when in my “dumb animalness” I finally do its then that I can genuinely take on the mindset of the psalmist here when he said, not once, but twice that he was rejoicing no matter what the day !

The psalm from which this verse is a part of is designed to move us to praise and worship of the One Who gives us our day. So whether  you’re reading this on a Friday or a Monday, you CAN truly say “Thank God Every Day”  (TGED) without waiting for Friday !!    So be glad  !!!  Its a brand new day He’s given you, and this adventure of life is to be transformative, walk with Him and rejoice no matter what comes  because He’s doing a great work in YOU !

Why waddle when you can fly !

On the way to church last night Nancy & I had an interesting distraction.  Several tiny baby ducks were at the edge of a very busy highway and they were incredibly perplexed. The noise level of oncoming traffic, the sudden swoosh of tractor trailers going by just inches from their tiny fuzzy bodies, and the inability to see Mom all led to their confused and dazed reactions to everything in their new little world. So what could I do but swing the car around and get them to higher and safer ground.  I’m sure the people whizzing by thought what is this guy doing?  I know the ducklings were frightened by the sight of all of a sudden now a man appearing out of a car running towards them to get them out of harm’s way. “Sheeish, who’s the dude waving his arms at us now?  Lord, help us !!!”

Life has a lot of lessons and reminders for us doesn’t it?  Sometimes we’re a bit like those little guys.  We start to wander off God’s safe path wanting to test other waters, we see someone that maybe God has burdened their heart to help us and we turn on the messenger or avoid him altogether not understanding in our confusion that the Lord may just be trying to use him or her to help us.  And like those little feathered friends we get to such a place because we have simply lost sight of the One Who truly loves us and can nurture us.   The writer of Hebrews comes to mind here when he penned, “. . .let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. Looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith. . .” (Heb.12:1,2).

Is there some sin you need to lay aside TODAY? Does the race look a bit overwhelming righ now? Look at the Lord, focus on Him – not others, not even yourself.   He’s looking out for you even when you don’t see Him, and in light of that keep looking to Him !   Don’t “quack” up on life’s road (sorry, couldn’t resist), mount up with wings as eagles and soar !!

Pick Me Up

Today is Wednesday and like many churches in our circles, there is a midweek service.   I can recall a young man in Bible college encouraging me to come to a Wednesday evening service and my response as a relatively new Christian was “Why, I’ve already came to Sunday morning?”   I wasn’t trying to be a smart alec (at least not that time), I was genuinely asking him “Why?”    I didn’t want to do things in my new Christian life simply because man said so, I wanted to do what God wanted.    Well, since then God has shown me the importance of faithfully supporting your local church.

Aside from one of a pastor’s favorite verses “Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together as the manner of some is. . .” (Heb.10:25)  what a “pick me up” a midweek service can be for the child of God.  But I’m not talking about just you, it can be for others who have come out then too when they see your faithfulness.  It can be a “pick me up” certainly for the pastor who prepares well for the service, much like the cook does a fine meal but perhaps the greatest “pick me up” when you make the decision to come out to God’s house faithfully is for God Himself !   The problem with saying I’m not going to come is you set yourself into a pattern of saying no to God and His Word (not just Heb.10:25 either, but what He has for you that service).  The blessing is in doing what He wants as opposed to what you want is you become less self-centered and more Christ-centered too ! So its a win-win, everyone is “picked up” in the process !   See you tonight??


Ha ! Ha ! Ha !

A Dad suggested the family get him a gift for his birthday that the whole family could get something out of, so they bought him a wallet !     A man admitted to his pastor that his wife hadn’t spoken to him since Christmas. She told her husband when he asked her what she wanted for Christmas to just surprise her. So at 3 a.m. on Christmas morning he leaned over and went “BOO !”    A preacher was proud of his brand new “loose leaf” Bible, so he decided to bring it to the pulpit to preach out of in his series on Genesis. As he began to read to the church about the story of the fall he read “And Adam said to Eve. . .”  Then he turned to page to complete the verse but looked puzzled for a few seconds. Finally realizing what had happened, he looked up rather embarrassed and said, “. . . It looks like a leaf is missing !”

OK, I did three jokes in case two went over your head or seemed too dry hoping by three strikes I wouldnt be out ! :).  So what’s my point?  Laughter !   Some ponder, does God have a sense of humor? Surely the answer is a resounding “Yes !” Ever see a platypus? Or ever look in a . . . nevermind !  You get the picture. I hope !    Anyway, certainly God does have a sense of humor for one of the first fruits of the Spirit mentioned in the list in Galatians is “JOY !!!” It comes right after Love. But you must understand this is not a contrived or manufactured joy as created in a moment or two after a funny joke but a genuinely happy emotion and byproduct of being in right relationship with the Lord.

W.C. Fields was a comic of note in the previous century. He said “Smile first thing in the morning and get it over with”.  Though that might make for a little chuckle in a moment it’s not what God intends for His children. True joy is intended to be as lasting as your walk with God.  You may be thinking, especially if you are out there working today, “hey pastor thats fine for you but its tough to soar with eagles when you work with turkeys !”   Well remember that true joy is not governed by own’s situation. True joy will come when you are really in step with Christ and will be there even when life gets hard today.  Oh you may not always feel like a belly laugh but despite life’s disappointments there is this spiritual joy that God will grant because you know He makes life come out ok.    That word joy in Gal.5:22 comes from a word that speaks of grace. Grace is what is tapped into when you simply decided to let God govern you today !  So let Him, and laugh today, its good for you and looks a lot more Christlike than a frown !!

Church on Monday ??

Monday is not a day we typically think of church. But fresh off of a Monday a pastor often thinks of how church went the day before. I think God thinks upon it even more, after all it is His plan for the age in which we live. As a pastor I’ve said it many times that with over 100 uses of “church”   in the NT and most of the titles of the books of the NT either addressed to local churches or about them (the pastoral epistles to Timothy & Titus to men who would organize & lead churches) it’s clear God puts a high premium now on the local assembly of believers.  But do you, REALLY?

Oh, you might be thinking, I attend with regularity. And if so, great !  But in 1 Cor.12 Paul illustrates that the members of the church are much like the member’s of a body, “For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ.” (vs12) And then in vs17 “If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing?. . .” to teach that there is great diversity in the local church as God has saved many and brought them to His church to serve in some capacity. 

Think of it this way: if God saved you and brought you to His local church and gifted you with certain abilities then dont settle for just occupying a pew !  Get INVOLVED.  Start storing up treasure in heaven by using those talents to build His church stronger.   It’s Monday and for some its a new work week for others another week of retirement. Instead of just the normal Monday routine you can pray for the Sunday services starting today, you can determine that today you will invite someone to your church by praying “lead me to some soul today, teach me Lord just what to say” !  We do a lot of things in the course of a week but what pleases God is the stress you place upon helping to build up His church by using your abilities to make it stronger.  So don’t let the summer slip away while the church languishes. Dont be content to give whats left of your time and energy to do a little or not your very best for His church, make it a premium in your life as it is in God’s !!

Grow up !

Have you ever had someone say to you “Grow up !”   Our neighbors love fireworks and once in a great while I shoot off a few myself.  On the fourth of July I did and my neighbor playfully shouted over, “Hey, grow up !”  Simeon the Stylite was a fifth century monk who had the idea that if he sat atop a pole he would be able to remove himself from the world and its connections and thus achieve holiness. Sitting atop his isolated & lofty perch, young men would bring him food each day. He had a small platform on which to lay and this he did for 39 years and there he died !  Clearly, he had the wrong idea.  We’re to be IN the world not OF it !

Sometimes we are like Simeon though. We have the wrong idea of how to be holy. Sometimes we’re not even sure how to get there or if we really want to.  So we extract ourself from others so they won’t see our “skeletons”. Or we look at others who we consider growing Christians and avoid interaction with them, the very people we need to learn from and be near to encourage more growth in us ! We may perceive we’re not growing or not as well as someone else. So dont stay there and withdraw, draw close to Christ and those who are growing ! Paul wrote to the Thessalonian and Corinthian believers to be followers of him but in 1Cor.11:1 he clarified what he truly meant when he said “Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ !”  That’s the real key, to follow Christ.  

So each day I spend time with Him in His Word, I obey it through the day, I prayerfully ask for His strength and stay in fellowship with Him (which means keeping myself unspotted from the world – confessing sin when I mess up). Stay in the battle  !  Keep growing for the Lord and realize that part of that is not “separating” from others as some extreme ascetic. Enjoy & get to know your brothers and sisters in Christ, they can play a key role in your own growth and you in there’s !

Prepping to Eat

Its Saturday – “Yay !!”  would be most people’s reaction to this day.  Most work or go to school Monday through Friday and the weekend gives a welcome respite to a break in the routine, a time to sleep a little longer and just do whatever you have been meaning to catch up on.  

Saturday is also a great day to “prep” for the Lord’s day.   Recently we went to one of those Mongolian grill type restaurants and I was struck by the massive preparation of all the things done for diners to enjoy a great meal.  Chopped veggies, sliced meats and specially prepared sauces (hungry now?).  Anyway, like those prep cooks we as God’s children need to prep our hearts for receiving His feast !  What can we do?  There are some very practical things that can help like getting a good nights sleep so we don’t try to catch up when God is trying to feed us through a sermon. We can organize things on Saturday for the sometimes harried Sunday morning rush to get out the door so we dont arrive cranky ! 

But spiritually, we can pray for the services and the preacher and his message, we can pray for our own willingness and meekness to receive the “engrafted Word” but also do you remember what Jesus said about going to worship in the Sermon on the Mount?  “So if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift before the altar and go, first be reconciled to your brother and then offer your gift. (Mt.5:23,24).  Christ places a premium on making sure you have done what you can to rectify offenses between others BEFORE you set out to His house to worship Him.  Sometimes we tick others off, we’re sinners !  When you know you need to make something right with another and pride or fear is stopping you simply do what you can to maintain a good relationship with the Lord but also each other for the sake of worship and the ultimate glory of God.   When we prep to eat at God’s house the experience is much more enjoyable, not only for you but the Lord Who has set the table !  So this coming Sunday, “eat and enjoy” !!