What a blessing this Sunday at church. We have been reading as a church selected passages each week and have also encouraged anyone in the service each Sunday to share something that they’ve read during the week. More gave testimonies of what they have read than any week this year and as a pastor what a blessing to my heart to see folks in the Word and it making a difference ! I would imagine that most believers have had the experience of taking the Bible into their lap and just reading it only to have something strike you that certain way and impact your mind and spirit.
Consider what seasoned Joshua may’ve thought as the Lord spoke to him just prior to leading the nation of Israel into the promised land after forty years of meandering in the wilderness: “Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the Law. . .this Book of the Law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” (Josh.1:7-8). The context indicates that even though Joshua had been through many spiritual tussles he was truly afraid of what could lie ahead for him as the nation’s new leader. Yet it was the Lord’s Word that came to him to bolster his confidence and encourage Joshua to pursue the path God had charted for His servant. It was just what Joshua needed for the moment !! The Lord strives to do the same thing today centuries later for you too !
It’s a new week, last week’s failures and successes are past and this week is a fresh opportunity He has allowed for you but like Joshua each of us needs the refreshment of the Scriptures to embolden, enlighten and empower us in the way He intends to lead us. Don’t neglect to pick up the Word today if you haven’t already and carefully and humbly read it and then ask Him how you can apply it. What an encouragement you will be to Him !! And what you need for the moment is waiting for YOU in the pages of Holy Writ !!!!!!