Twenty five years ago today we held our very first service ! It was an exciting day to officially begin our church and we baptized three people that first service, one was our oldest child and daughter !! My how time flies when you’re having fun. A quarter century of serving the Lord has been a genuine blessing to see how He has worked on people transforming them from unsaved people, for example, to folks who faithfully serve Him and know how to live out His Word in a dark world.
One day we will all look back at what God has done through our lives at the Judgment Seat of Christ. For some it may only be a moment of time, a day, a week. For many others it will be years and years of living for the Lord. Some things will be burned up as we are still sinners and those things done will not survive the examination then being done for less than honorable motives. But I suspect that for the Christian who strives to truly live for Christ he will typically find that even the most suprising of deeds done will be met with reward and have repercussions throughout all eternity. For instance, I tell our church often how I was saved by reading a tract someone had left while purchasing gas at the store I worked at. I do not know who that witness of the gospel was as it was left before my shift. But that one simple yet powerful act led to my salvation and consequently a church’s birth and hundreds saved !!
Time is set before us each day, what will you do with it today? Will you be a simple witness that in turn may reap incredible dividends in His kingdom? Perhaps so ! What could twenty five more years yield as you serve Him? Solomon wrote, “Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days.” (Ecc.11:1). Little is much when God is in it, and you and I are called to simply serve and be faithful to that great task of serving Him, for what you do now for Christ WILL have eternal repercussions !!