Ordinance is not a term we use with regularity in our conversations but its an important concept for the Christian. Ordinances in our church are that of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. They don’t bestow “grace” as did Christ when we received Him as Savior. The Bible teaches these ordinances picture wondrous realities for the child of God. Last Sunday at our church we were privilged to see many baptized picturing what had transpired in the hearts of each of these obedient folks. Today we’ll participate in the other ordinance of the Lord’s Supper where we again picture what He’s done. We do “show the Lord’s death” (1Cor.11:26).
I always take from both of these ordinances, that Christ has a perfect love for us. No matter what we do wrong, how we fail Him, His love abides. He knew ALL we’d sin before we were born and yet He died for US ! Incredible when you really think about it, huh? In the eighth chapter of Romans is a gripping description of this love of God for us. Why not take a minute (that should be all it takes) to read verses 31-39 in which if I could sum up basically says that God will NEVER stop loving YOU !
Maybe you really need to hear this today? Maybe you don’t FEEL particularly loved, someone has hurt you or you feel like you have wronged God so how could He possibly love you? This is where your faith needs to “kick in”, its not your feelings that you can totally trust – its what God says and how He is that is reliable !! He will NEVER stop loving YOU, period ! Paul understood this and was brought to the solid conviction here or “persuaded” (vs.38) which is the Greek perfect tense so he’s letting us know his faith had kicked in before and continued to help him along through life’s hazards just as we need constant reminders in our ordinances of His love for us. They may say men are from Mars & Women from Venus but we ALL need that reminder of God’s love.
The FACT that He loves us enduringly doesn’t mean we should pervert and abuse His love and sin since no matter what He will always love me. No, instead it should drive me to love Him back in return and live a life that is truly pleasing to Him ! So next time you participate in the Lord’s Supper, enjoy it and simply remember, you are loved perfectly !!