The town where we live has some nice walking paths and a few years ago my wife and I discovered some through the woods not far from our home. As we walked through I spotted some leaks growing wild, so I dug up a few and transplanted them to make leek soup in future years. Last night I proceeded to stink up the house by going into leek soup production. If you’ve never smelled them, maybe the best analogy I can come up with is garlic and strong onions mixed. But when you put them in a pot with ham and other veggies its pretty tasty (at least to moi) !
Leeks, as you may know, were part of the diet of the children of Israel while in Egypt. And leeks have been found to have significant health benefits such as strengthening the immune system, raise good cholesterol while at the same time lower the bad stuff, decrease high blood pressure, decrease the risk of several cancers such as colon, ovarian, and prostrate, as well as steadying blood sugar levels. Isn’t God good? He has given us so many wonderful things to eat and enjoy all around us to benefit us ! If you have ever taken a walk in or near the woods I bet you have tromped right by some of God’s “wonder drugs ” and thought they are just useless weeds !
James tells us “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning. ” (1:17). Look around you today at the wonders of His creation and know that you benefit from many of His wondrous gifts that give you life and health and some of them may even taste good. And even when some kind of stink to us (like our trials) they actually are for our benefit too ! Gotta go, soup’s on !!