If you listen long enough, the news can be depressing because most of it is so bad but the news that I never tire of hearing or for that matter telling is the news called the Good News, the Gospel !  Not long ago my wife and I visited an elderly couple down the street from us and I recently went back and visited and shared the gospel once again.  Only God knows how many times I’ve shared with others how He’s saved me and it never gets old. I am looking forward to finding in heaven one day the person who left the tract that I still have that I read and was converted to Christ that day several years ago !

Maybe you know the person who led you to Christ. Be ever grateful for them and show them you are. For one, why not encourage them by perpetuating that same good news and taking up my challenge to you today to share the gospel with someone God brings across your path before Christmas?!  We hear about witnessing, sometimes we get convicted about it, we get challenges God puts to us but what are we actually doing about it? Aren’t you glad someone took up the challenge so you could be have a home in heaven and eternal life?  What a gift to God you could  offer to bring another soul into the Kingdom. Just be a witness, pass out some tracts, share what God has done for you and look forward with anticipation and who God might bring across your path to share His Good News with.  And perhaps, who might become your  new brother or sister in the Lord as they accept this Good News from your very lips !!   The world awaits Good News from YOU !!!