Summer’s winding down, can you tell? The days get a little shorter, every once in a while we get a little cooler temperatures than we’ve had (fall whispering “I’m coming” !), and last night I even saw a little of the Steelers winning their game, yay football is back much to the dismay of my wife, ha. Best of luck to the Bears Lyle & Cody, they’ll need it – tee hee !!
Here in central Pennsylvania the change of the seasons is kind of nice though. We are often so prone to in one season complain about the cold, then the heat, disparage about the snow, too much rain, not enough rain. You know the drill we’ve all done it ! But when you think about it, it’s really kind of refreshing the seasons the Lord lets us go through. Much like the variety He allows for us just as James describes in that somewhat stilted old English where he wrote, “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations” (James 1:2). He wasn’t speaking of snorkeling in the Pacific with the word “divers” but we know it means “various” or “differing”. Our lives have introduced into them all kinds of situations and trials that, though not unique are nonetheless challenging for our faith and at the same time good for our faith if we choose them to be !
This is why James went on to then write, “Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But LET patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire wanting nothing.” (1:3,4). When your “season” starts to change instead of complaining about what God’s allowed UNDERSTAND that He is allowing something great to occur in YOUR life and maybe also in the lives around you (your family, coworkers, neighbor, etc) ! So, as James continues, you now must make a choice to LET that new “season” do it’s thing, and in the end YOU will be bettered !
I’d say my favorite season is the fall (and not just because of football). The colors of the leaves, the crispness in the air, the more favorable temperatures, etc. But really, they’re all good. There’s something in them all to appreciate and enjoy when you think about it and set aside the negatives we’re so apt to carp about. So what “season” are you going through now? Go through it well, it’ll be fine, trust me – ehhhh (sound of a mistake)— trust Him !!