What a great day at church yesterday as we saw our best Friends Day of the entire year !  Wednesday a challenge was put before our folks to put some names on their prayer list and pray for them to come on Sunday and see what the Lord would do as we invited them and prayed for them.  Well, several first time visitors came out. Two of the young ladies who attended for their first time said “We’ll be back on Wednesday night !”  It’s been a banner month for us in  the sense of seeing fruit but for many at our church we also know that’s been a long time coming too.

The familiar verse comes to mind from Galatians, “And let us not be weary in well-doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” (Gal.6:9). We’ve been plowing and sowing and it’s good to see the Lord bringing some wonderful folks our way.  It’s worth the praying, the effort, and the persistence.

But have you been laboring at something lately and it seems to no avail?  Have you been trying to simply do the right thing and no measurable gains seem to be made?  Keep at it, the verse above is a Divine promise to YOU that in His time a harvest will come that is consistent with what’s planted. Note the wording of the verse: as we do well (that’s the seed) the crop will yield well, but our task is two-fold: (1) sow good seed (2) stay at it  “faint not” !

Anyone who’s gardened or farmed knows this is how it goes and the principle is pervasive in our lives too.  Trouble is we just want to “trudge off to Walmart” and pull whatever we want off the shelf.  Yet there is something wonderful that happens when we persistently sow, and I’m not just talking about the results at the end.  That luscious strawberry or succulent sweet corn you bite into tastes great, ’tis true, but — it’s also the satisfaction of working with and for the One Who brings us the harvest. And seeing His hand at work, makes Him so much more real too to our often “hard to see Him hearts”!  And it’s the character He reaps in us as we wait on Him and work for Him especially ! So keep your hand on the plow today, GOD promises some good things ahead when you do !