I remember as a kid finding a caterpillar and putting it in a jar and watching it spin itself into a cocoon and then seeing a beautiful butterfly later emerge.  One of the miracles of God’s design for sure !   I recall meeting a young man while I was in seminary and him telling me about how he sold drugs and ridiculed people who were Christians that he knew, now he’s a pastor !   Unless your still sleepy and your mind is in neutral you are seeing the point.

Both of these have to do with some special verses Paul put down in print for us in Romans, “I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”  (12:1,2).

Paul had spent some time recounting in the chapters leading up to this some of the many blessings God has mercifully given us like salvation itself. One day we will more fully realize what this HUGE blessing means ! And access to God through prayer, forgiveness of all our sins, etc. are what we can be grateful for now.  So on the basis of such “mercies” He now says our submission to Him should be out of love since He has been so gracious to us.  It’s only logical or “reasonable” to present ourselves to the Lord, right?

Then instead of allowing ourself to be molded by this kosmos or world system the holy alternative is to be like that butterfly or that pastor: be transformed. I love the word it comes from here, in English we have from it, metamorphosis ! But also interesting is that the verb speaks to the need for this to be an ongoing process where you are to be the recipient and God the “transformer”.   So many times we try to be good, desire to be holy, etc but what he’s saying here is we simply need to give our heart to God & let His Word saturate our mind and the process begins to take place !! The sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit in us as we subject ourself to God and His Word makes a sinner more and more and more into the image of the Him Who created us in the first place.  You see it when you may still get cranky but you quickly admit you error, when you want to get even you pray for grace and you forgive, and on and on the changes go.  So don’t try, transform today !!