A Testimony for Christ

One highlight as a pastor is to hear how God is working in folks’ lives at our church and yesterday it was a joy to be able to listen to several testimonies of people in the service. In the past we have held a New Years Eve service and did this but since New Years fell on Sunday we switched to do this during our morning service and it was a heartwarming way to start 2012.

Testimonies have long been a part of the Christian tradition and we find many in the Bible itself.  Paul’s letters are loaded with accounts of how the Lord was at work in His people. Check out just a few:  “We give thanks to God. . .since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus, and of the love which ye have to all the saints.” (Col.1:3-4);    “remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labor of love, and patience of hope. . .” (1Thess.1:3);   “. . . ye were ensamples to all that believe in Macedonia and Achaia. For from you sounded out the word of the Lord. . . ” (1Thess.1:7-8);   “when I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee. . . ” (2Tim.1:5).   How encouraged Paul was at the working of God in people’s lives ! How challenging it is to our own too.

Not long after I was saved a young man about my age challenged me to give a testimony before a group at our church but I was too afraid to do so then.  He gave me something good to think about. He reminded me that as God worked in my life I should share it humbly before others to glorify God and encourage and challenge others. You never know, he said, how God may use something He’s already done in you to be a blessing to someone else, so don’t think so much of your fear but your love for God and others !  Good advice.

Today is another day for the Lord to work through YOU.  Let Him  !! And even though the day may end, the work He’s doing has not and you can then have the great privilege of encouraging and challenging others spiritually  by the testimony of His great working through your life.

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