Have a Look at You !!

One of things I remember my mother TRYING to ingrain in us as kids was the importance of your appearance. That was further impressed upon me through various preachers once I became a Christian, that one’s testimony even down to how you groomed yourself was a part of your representing Jesus Christ to a world who desperately needs Him. So I think, yes, combing your hair, wearing clean clothing, brushing your teeth, and of course, deodorant (ha !), etc. are all a part of the deal here there is something else as believers we need to consider:  How do we look inwardly as well as outwardly to those around us?   Yes, both are vital because a sloppy outfit conveys a poor message. Grunge is not godly and arrogance is anti-christ !!   But are you truly showing the fruit of the Spirit or is your disposition not a lot different than the average unbeliever’s?

Let’s look a moment at what Paul wrote in Gal.5:22-23, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.”     The apostle says there is no law which can produce such fruit, these are the yield of a life truly yielded to Christ ! It’s not a matter of me trying to be really loving or especially calm in a storm, no, those traits developed truly spring from a person’s right relationship with the God of the Universe !!  But what are you really looking like to people you meet, know fairly well, work around, live by?  Do they really see a difference, in short, do they see Jesus?

Paul also wrote to a church that at times struggled with a good testimony. In 2Cor.5:20 it states, “Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.” That word “reconciled” was used of the exchange of money. If you have ever been to a different country where there was a need to change currency you know what this means, you give up your dollars at the exchange rate of say, a Euro or whatever place you’re in.  In other words, you give something and you get something in return. But with God when you give of yourself you get the long end of the stick ! You get His, what we call in theology, “communicable attributes” or you get from Him what He can transfer to you.  You get, for example, a more loving nature which you couldnt manufacture on your own.  Basically, Paul’s remark to the Corinthians is in agreement with what he also wrote to the Galatians, that we have a small part in this production of fruit (yielding/obeying) but it’s God Who really does the grand work ! 

People really need to see Christ in your life.  They are looking for answers, they are hurting and its not the psychologists or what we called in seminary the “secular priests”, that can truly help, its the Lord and His Word. So think often about what people see in YOU today !  Being harsh, not keeping your place neat, being overly critical, and a “little unethical” won’t cut it !  They want and need to see Christlikeness.   So ask Christ to help you be a great ambassador, give your life this day to Him and ask for His power to show Him through you.   And, if you have been striving to be filled with His Spirit and are taking pains in your outward appearance stay at it because though you may not see it yet, God is making an impact on those around YOU !   His Word doesn’t return void (Is.55:11) !!

Anger Management

Someone once said, “Bees fly thousands of miles to gather enough nectar to make a pound of honey then someone comes along and takes it from them. Maybe this is why bees have such lousy dispositions !”   Anger, its the beast lurking within us all whenever our honey is swiped or things go awry in our life in some way.  

In the summer of 2006 a Doberman guard dog named Barney ransacked a teddy bear museum in England. His handler, Greg West, said he went beserk shredding about one hundred bears on display. To make matters worse he destroyed “Mabel”, Elvis Presley’s teddy bear which belonged to an English aristocrat who reportedly paid $75,000 for the bear and loaned it (later to his regret) to the museum !     Naturally, once he received the call from the museum manager the man wasn’t very happy to say the least.     Barney’s handler speculated that his dog went crazy either because of a “rogue scent” or a case of pure jealousy as West had been stroking the teddy bear saying what a “nice little bear” she was.  I’d guess that option !   So West spent several minutes chasing Barney before he could end the carnage of stuffing flying around !

We know the command to “Be ye angry and sin not” (Eph.4:26) speaks of the kind of righteous indignation Christ displayed while cleansing the Temple but the kind most people normally experience is the “Barney” variety to which Paul adds “. . .let not the sun go down upon your wrath.”  What pushes your buttons that release the kind of anger with which God is not pleased?  Like Barney, is it envy over the strokes that someone else gets?  Is it the frustrated outburst of things not going “your way”?   Do you find yourself bristling easy and lashing out chronically? More importantly, whom do we damage when we “lose it”?  Odds are something more valuable than a lifeless teddy bear !

What’s the way to handle flying off the handle?  Ultimately it is found in what Paul also wrote in Ephesians, “And be not drunk with wine wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit” (5:18).  The moment we’re saved we receive the permanent indwelling of the Holy Spirit in us but that does not mean He is always in charge of us.  That is our choice as God did not make us mindless robots.  Each day, yea each moment, it’s imperative we yield to His control.  Do you have an anger management deal?  Do you know someone close to you who is struggling with needing a “spiritual depends”? (older folks will get that quicker).   Its sounds so simple yet it’s so powerful — yield your heart to Him ! 

When we get sinfully angry its that we have  chosen to not respond right to circumstances that happen not to “our” liking. That guy going 30 in a 55 mph zone and you don’t want to be late to your appointment.  But reality is such instances remind us that life should not revolve around us anyway, its about God !  And the temptation to be angry is also an opportunity to stick close to God, to “abide in Christ” (Jn.15). Remember, He is the Vine we are simply the branches. We draw our strength and composure from Him and we CAN then soar above our adverse situations. Angry people are often too much ruled by their own spirit when the Holy Spirit is the Ruler Who is needed – so go out there and have GOOD day in your “museum” called life !

Good Night Irene !!

In the crosshairs !! What a week thus far, an earthquake and now a powerful hurricane named Irene is predicted to slam the east coast. Aren’t you glad you are a believer when all this stuff occurs?   I remember growing up hearing of the possibility that Russia could attack us one day with nuclear missiles.  There were bomb shelter signs and the teachers told us to get under our desks if it ever happened.  Needless to say such dire prospects weren’t exactly soothing to our young hearts.

Once I became a Christian that all changed though.  I recall reading some portions of prophecy and thinking a good bit about what I’d read like in 2 Peter where the  great apostle wrote, “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” (3:10).  Wait, you may be thinking, the part about the elements melting, doesn’t sound like nuclear war?  It would unless you realize that Peter was describing this as the “day of the Lord”, not man !   In other words, God is the One Who will initiate this judgment, not some maniac pushing a launch button.  

The testimony of Bible prophecy does not teach that man will destroy this planet, as much as the environmentalist extremists think so and as much as we may abuse creation.  No, God spoke the world into existence and He can speak it out !  In short, the capable “hands” of God are in perfect control at all times !  We need to respect and treat creation as God’s stewards but we needn’t worry about “climate change” (the new global warming, ha), earthquakes, tsunami’s, hurricanes, stock market crashes, etc, etc, etc !   God commands the universe and if you’re saved, YOU are His dear child.

So relax, enjoy the splendors of nature, don’t worry about what could happen, focus on what WILL happen ! “Nevertheless WE, according to His PROMISE, LOOK for a new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth RIGHTEOUSNESS” (2Pt.3:13) !!!!     Next time someone talks about all these calamities you can show a Christlike contrast and calm their heart with this knowledge too.

The “Quaker” State

If you live on the east coast, odds are you felt it yesterday.  Yes, I’m talking about the earthquake !  The first I’ve ever felt and speaking to folks older than me who have lived here all their lives, their first also.  As I sat studying and heard things shake & felt things shake, Maggie, our kids’ dog who was laying by my feet looked up at me and I gave her back the same quizzical look !  But speaking of crittters, an interesting report associated with the earthquake was by zookeepers in the area who noted that many animals began “alarm calling” fifteen minutes before we humans felt the tremors ! Intriguing and of course good fodder for devotional material !

Two places in Romans come to my mind. One is Rom.9:1-3 where Paul writes, “I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost, that I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart. For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsman according to the flesh.”  Also in the very next chapter he mentioned very sensitively, “Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved. For I bear them record that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For they, being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.”  (10:1-3).

In both these passages there is a common passion or sensitivity that Paul evidenced.  The Jews thought things were fine between them and God. After all, they were the “chosen people”.  But they’d missed the boat concerning their Messiah ! In their spiritual smugness and self-righteousness they’d  failed to perceive and believe Who He was.  Their pride was blinding them, making them insensitive to the very presence of God in their midst ! 

But what about us who have trusted Jesus Christ?  Is it possible we could also become spiritually insensitive in some ways also?   I sense someone reading this now could be nodding your head yes !  You’re right, we too can become a little puffed up or even distracted with the things of this life and fail to see the shock waves ahead.  

 Yesterday, after the quake, I was dealing with a very sticky situation with a new convert who is going through a real mess with family problems. In speaking to his wife about her situation I listened carefully and then as  spiritually passionate as I could gave her the gospel telling her she so needed Christ as the road she’s headed down is fraught with disaster ahead ! Yet  sadly, she is still blinded by her pride.

Every day God presents us with opportunities to REALLY help folks. You have the gospel, the indwelling Holy Spirit to help you, the privilege of prayer, etc and sometimes we go on oblivious to what could be accomplished for Christ even through our lives !    Paul quipped, “Redeeming the time because the days are evil” (Eph.5:16).  The opportunity may never come our way again so take advantage of it while you can.    So God intends today be an adventure in your life, an adventure of opportunities seen and seized upon.  Ask Him to help you see them and seize them for Him, you will be “shocked” in a good way what can be done and you will make some good tremors for the Lord in the process !

Look UP !

It’s started for some and will soon for others: going back to school.  Do you remember what that was like those of you a good bit past your 20’s ?  Once I became a Christian I enjoyed the time, my perspective was much better then. I saw the start of school as a great opportunity to learn something and learn it well for God. And of course there were the meeting and making of new friends, the different teachers, assignments and their consequent challenges, etc. But all in all it was good !

What will God be schooling you about this fall?  How will you look at it and how will you handle it?  Maybe there’s a challenge you’re facing already. Perhaps God’s brought some new people across your path, will you be an influence for Christ – being careful about your testimony, being a spiritual encouragement to them and helping them with your time, energy, etc?   How will or do you see it?  Its easy to complain about the work load or the situation you face but we must have the right perspective that only God can give us through His Word !

In Sunday School a couple days ago I referenced a few verses from Lk.10, “But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was, and when he saw him, he had compassion on him. And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, ‘Take care of him: and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee.’ ”  (verses 33-35).

Jesus then asked His listeners as to which man had been a good neighbor to that hurting soul.  You can almost hear the “duh’s” from the crowd.  Well of course, it was the Samaritan !    Why? His perspective was more Christlike !!   That great parable was precipitated though because a man smugly asked the Lord, “And who is my neighbor?” (vs.29).  This, as the KJV puts it, was his attempt to “justify himself”.   Christ used even his perspective to turn him and us to a better one !! 

Our neighbors need us as Christians to SEE their needs and do whatever we can by God’s grace to meet them. But that means our spiritual sight must be correct first.  We get better as we look at things through the holy lens of Scripture. I was in recently to get my eyes examined, they have this new machine now that inspects your eyes even better than an optometrist can with traditional testing (ya know the good ole Eye chart and stuff). I’m told with this technology your night vision will improve as much as 20% —  sweeeeet !  But it’s not my aging eyes that they will improve, the improvement will be realized in the new lenses !

  I’m all for seeing better but especially when it comes to seeing what He wants me to see.  Look around you this week at people who need the Lord, at your challenges as opportunities to glorify Him and go off into the fall looking at things a little better and fresher !!

Sowing Well

What a great day at church yesterday as we saw our best Friends Day of the entire year !  Wednesday a challenge was put before our folks to put some names on their prayer list and pray for them to come on Sunday and see what the Lord would do as we invited them and prayed for them.  Well, several first time visitors came out. Two of the young ladies who attended for their first time said “We’ll be back on Wednesday night !”  It’s been a banner month for us in  the sense of seeing fruit but for many at our church we also know that’s been a long time coming too.

The familiar verse comes to mind from Galatians, “And let us not be weary in well-doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” (Gal.6:9). We’ve been plowing and sowing and it’s good to see the Lord bringing some wonderful folks our way.  It’s worth the praying, the effort, and the persistence.

But have you been laboring at something lately and it seems to no avail?  Have you been trying to simply do the right thing and no measurable gains seem to be made?  Keep at it, the verse above is a Divine promise to YOU that in His time a harvest will come that is consistent with what’s planted. Note the wording of the verse: as we do well (that’s the seed) the crop will yield well, but our task is two-fold: (1) sow good seed (2) stay at it  “faint not” !

Anyone who’s gardened or farmed knows this is how it goes and the principle is pervasive in our lives too.  Trouble is we just want to “trudge off to Walmart” and pull whatever we want off the shelf.  Yet there is something wonderful that happens when we persistently sow, and I’m not just talking about the results at the end.  That luscious strawberry or succulent sweet corn you bite into tastes great, ’tis true, but — it’s also the satisfaction of working with and for the One Who brings us the harvest. And seeing His hand at work, makes Him so much more real too to our often “hard to see Him hearts”!  And it’s the character He reaps in us as we wait on Him and work for Him especially ! So keep your hand on the plow today, GOD promises some good things ahead when you do !

Errk, slow down !!

The Gospel of Mark is a fast paced account of our Lord’s earthly life and ministry. Mark wastes no time writing about the onset of Jesus’ ministry in chapter one and so he records some of Christ’s miracles on one particularly busy day for Him. Let’s join in the account starting in 1:30, “But Simon’s (Peter’s) wife’s mother lay sick of a fever and anon the tell Him of her. And He came and took her by the hand and lifted her up and immediately the fever left her and she ministered to them (the disciples & Jesus). And at even when the sun did set they brought unto Him all that were diseased and them that were possessed with devils. . .and He healed many. . .”    What a hectic yet fulfilling day I’m sure. We’ve all had hectic days, more than we’d probably like !

But then the activity takes a slow turn as we come to verse 35, “And in the morning, rising up a great while before day (I can relate, its early now !) He went out and departed into a solitary place and there prayed.”   Like a beautiful musical composition where there are the highs and lows the Lord was busy about His Father’s business but He also slowed down from the frenetic pace of life to get apart and pray.  

I wonder sometimes if we’re not so frazzled because our lives are made up of a lot of activity during the day yet we simply don’t take a little time to just pause from it all and pray?   Prayer can be quite humbling but we need that. Prayer can focus us, we need that ! Prayer can be soothing, we surely need that ! It can invigorate and motivate us and we need that as well. So remember as a new week begins all over again, and you launch into the “same ole, same ole” or tackle something different and life starts to get a bit fast paced, remember Someone is waiting for YOU to talk to Him !

Barbie has nothing over Ken !

When I first met Ken I wasn’t real confident he’d take me up on my invitation to come out to church.  I’d knocked on his door and when he opened it for the first time I thought the vapors from inside would raise MY blood alcohol level from zero to an illegal limit, ha ! Second hand inebriation !  Anyway, we chatted and he didn’t seem very responsive to the gospel as I witnessed to him.

But time went on and God used circumstances in his life and mine and Ken and his children eventually started to come to church !  It was not very long ago that Ken responded in the invitation after the sermon one Sunday morning and he prayed the sinner’s prayer !!  That was a great day for him for sure.  But a call I received from him yesterday I thought I’d like to share with you.  To give you the context I’ve been helping him with a family matter and he’s been worrying a good bit about it so he’d asked me what he could read in his bible. I suggested Matthew 6 toward the end of the chapter where Jesus said, “Therefore take no thought, saying, what shall we eat? or what shall we drink . . .But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.” (6:31-33).

But Ken misunderstood me and when he called the next day he started to go on and on about the birth of Jesus, His teaching & miracles, and His crucifixion.  He said “I started at 1:30 in the afternoon and broke to make dinner then at 10 p.m. I finally finished and then prayed !”   He’d read his first book of the Bible, the entire book of Matthew !  He told me,  “At first I thought, Pastor, what did you get me into, but then I couldn’t put it down !!”     That next day God wonderfully answered a prayer about his family situation too !!

But the whole incident reminds me of what Peter wrote about in 1 Pt.2:2, “As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the Word that ye may grow thereby.”   Aren’t we often like Ken?  In the sense that we have troubles too and we fret and fume and fuss and all the time we have the precious Word of God to alleviate our fears, show us the way, and give us the strength to press on !  Maybe we need to just a take a good chunk of “our” time and be still and know that He is God. Perhaps its time to sit for a spell and be reminded of things you’ve already read in this blessed Book but need to read again and saturate your mind with the encouraging truth therein.    Ken desires even more the Word than he did just a couple of days ago, because he’s saved and just took some time to learn about and spend more time with His Savior.  He said now he will read Job !  Go for it, Ken – will YOU too?


Seasonal change

Summer’s winding down, can you tell?  The days get a little shorter, every once in a while we get a little cooler temperatures than we’ve had (fall whispering “I’m coming” !), and last night I even saw a little of the Steelers winning their game, yay football is back much to the dismay of my wife, ha.  Best of luck to the Bears Lyle & Cody, they’ll need it – tee hee !! 

Here in central Pennsylvania the change of the seasons is kind of nice though. We are often so prone to in one season complain about the cold, then the heat, disparage about the snow, too much rain, not enough rain. You know the drill we’ve all done it ! But when you think about it, it’s really kind of refreshing the seasons the Lord lets us go through. Much like the variety He allows for us just as James describes in that somewhat stilted old English where he wrote, “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations”   (James 1:2).    He wasn’t speaking of snorkeling in the Pacific with the word “divers” but we know it means “various” or “differing”.  Our lives have introduced into them all kinds of situations and trials that, though not unique are nonetheless challenging for our faith and at the same time good for our faith if we choose them to be !

This is why James went on to then write, “Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But LET patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire wanting nothing.” (1:3,4).    When your “season” starts to change instead of complaining about what God’s allowed UNDERSTAND that He is allowing something great to occur in YOUR life and maybe also in the lives around you (your family, coworkers, neighbor, etc) !   So, as James continues, you now must make a choice to LET that new “season” do it’s thing, and in the end YOU will be bettered !

I’d say my favorite season is the fall (and not just because of football). The colors of the leaves, the crispness in the air, the more favorable temperatures, etc.   But really, they’re all good. There’s something in them all to appreciate and enjoy when you think about it and set aside the negatives we’re so apt to carp about.  So what “season” are you going through now?   Go through it well, it’ll be fine, trust me – ehhhh (sound of a mistake)— trust Him !!

Don’t put out THAT fire !

Long before I was a pastor  I remember bringing out a couple of people to church and those folks ended up receiving Christ before they left that day.  A young man came up to me and said it was so good to see someone “on fire for the Lord”.  I’d never heard that expression before but it quickly made sense. He went on to lament that it’s so easy for us as older Christians to get used to “just going to church” and not think much about the mission we have of reaching people for Christ.    And an important mission it is for the gospel message is THE one message that can truly help people no matter what is ailing them !   I have spoken with and led many terminally ill people to Christ and the prospect of knowing that despite all that they are facing now will soon be corrected is a tremendous comfort !  What a healing message to deliver in this mission we ALL have.   I’ve had the privilege of ministering to people mired in great guilt and the gospel message believed takes the burden rightly off of them and places it where God wants it, at the foot of that old rugged cross.  To see people become unburdened through the gospel has been a joy.

Yet it’s so easy to lose that “fire in the belly”.  We let our routines douse it, or we reach out only to be rejected so why try again?   We get settled into what we have and hear in our churches and before we know it the impact of the Holy Spirit through His Word is somehow or someway deflected by us.   Paul put his finger on perhaps one of the most commonly committed sins of the believer in 1 Thess.5:19 when he wrote, “Quench not the Spirit” !   It’s even more indicting in the original where it states “STOP quenching the Spirit”. In short, they had been doing it and we are just as capable and culpable as those first century Christians !!

Paul prayed a prayer for his brethren in Ephesus. He asked, “That He would grant you according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the INNER man. . .and to know the love of Christ which passeth  knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the FULNESS of God.”  (Eph.3:16-19).  Take a moment to look at his complete prayer.  He was asking that they let God work in them so that they could really experience GOD, deep down in their hearts.  It was not a call to a shallow, complacent Christianity but quite the contrary– what a great petition !  He wanted his friends to be “on fire for the Lord” !!   That only happens when we DON’T extinguish what God’s trying to do in our heart !

So you hear a challenge at church, you’re  convicted by a sermon, maybe God even uses a “blog” or another person to try to bring you to greater spiritual heights. What will you do?  Put out the flame or stoke the fire??  This is where the fire can start !!  Then maybe we’d see more people come to Christ again in our churches !!!!!  STOP quenching HIM if you have been, START inviting Him in to use you for His great great work & enjoy the ride !!