The Family of God

I got  a call yesterday from my sister saying she would like to visit a little before she goes back to Connecticut. So we spent some time this afternoon together with our Mom and her kids.  It was an effort on her part as she drove some hours today then will even more tomorrow on her return home.  I got up earlier to get things done, did some work beforehand I normally wouldn’t have to spend the time with them, my efforts were smaller in comparison to hers but strong family ties and the effort to build them is worth it. We enjoyed the time together once again, despite the sibling ribbing ! HA ! 

Jesus Christ exerted the MAXIMUM effort to place us in the family of God, He died for us !   And because of this effort we’ll reap tremendous benefits.  When John recorded Revelation for us one of the verses he jotted down was this: “And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it.”  (21:24).   The “it” here refers to the “glory of God” specifically as personified in the “Lamb” (Jesus) !!   Those who have been born again by asking God’s forgiveness for being a sinner and accepting Jesus as Savior will spend QUALITY time with the “family” throughout all eternity ! Where I should say the “time” in quality time is perhaps not a proper phrase then for time will be a non-issue !!

Good friends and family in far away places like Tanzania, China, Hawaii, Indiana, even Connecticut will be with us so much more in eternity.  We’ll have forever to enjoy the ties that bind us !  Do you miss your family/friends?  Do you wish you could spend more time with them?   You will, my friend, you will ! Thanks to the Lord’s maximum effort for us who have been saved !  Won’t it be great?   Think on this next time life here gets a little trying !

Bon Appetit

Whatever time of day you’re reading this odds are you have already eaten something today.  Hopefully it was very tasty and you enjoyed it.  But have you ever given much thought to the fact that what you ate was because of a gracious, providential God?  Yes I know Christians are pretty good about thanking the Lord for what they are about to put in their mouths but I means have you REALLY given thought to how in this way He is showing you His care for you?!

Look at what happened in the Garden of Eden. God made man and placed them in Eden and gave them many good things to eat, “Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat.” (Gen.2:16). And we know one tree was forbidden, of course, but God gave them a great variety of food with ample provision for their brand new bellies ! So too we have fruits, meats, baked goods (yum !), ice cream (double yum), etc., etc., etc !   But these are foods and without them we would not last too long in our bodies.  So it’s His way of graciously making sure we survive.

Man was more than adequately forewarned about sin: “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it; for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die !!!!!!!!”    (Gen.2:17)     I loaded up on the exclamation marks because Adam understood the warning that way as the Hebrew language is a “double verb” here meaning “dying you will die”.   Ironically the fall came about through the vehicle of food yet God uses food to prolong our lives !      When we’re born we begin to die yet the profit we gain from eating the food God provides us postpones the dying process.  Some people live a century !!     Food is indeed an amazing way that God shows us His hand each day and is one of His many precious gifts to us all (saved and lost alike).  So in reality, no person can legitimately say that God has not manifested His love and care for me !    So next time you open up the “pie hole” and munch on something delish remember God’s just been good to you !!! Thank Him with great sincerity.


Eat hearty

So what’s “on your plate” this week?  Got a busy week ahead or no?  For most Christians the answer to that is probably “Yes !”   If you working that 40+ hour job you have that plus church and family responsibilities. If you’re retired and still active in your church you have things to do there, etc.  But for the most part the serious Christian is, and rightly so, a “busy lil beaver” !   Unless you’re on vacation you have a lot of irons in the fire more than likely.  Sometimes you wonder how it will all get done !!  Take a cue from Jesus’ earthly life though, He was engaged very much so but also took those periodic times to get apart so He wouldn’t come apart too !!

If this kind of describes things in your little slice of the world, rejoice  ! Take some encouragement today from the Bible that there is coming a time when all the rigors of this life will be over and the blessings and joys of eternity will be a vivid reality.   When John was given a glimpse of what YOU will see as a saved person one day he wrote, “And He showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. . .and there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb, shall be in it; and His servants shall serve Him.” (Rev.22:1,3).   

 Yes, we will serve Him in eternity but without the proverbial “Murphy’s law” kicking in !  Things will go right and service will be especially gratifying.  Until that time we’re called to toil, give our best efforts, and store up treasures to lay down at His feet today and this week by doing what we do FOR Him.   “Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear (respect) and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as UNTO Christ.” (Eph.6:5).      So give it your best today and this week whatever is “on your plate”, keep the nose to the grindstone as there is coming an eternal reward for YOU then and the warm and welcome response from Jesus Himself “Well done thou good and faithful servant, thou hast been faithful over a few things I will make thee ruler over many things; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord” !!! (Mt.25:21).

So go ahead and start working on that plate, take a big bite out of life today but remembering that “dessert” is just around the corner !!



Jesus Loves me. . .

Ordinance is not a term we use with regularity in our conversations but its an important concept for the Christian. Ordinances in our church are that of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. They don’t bestow “grace” as did Christ when we received Him as Savior. The Bible teaches these ordinances picture wondrous realities for the child of God.  Last Sunday at our church we were privilged to see many baptized picturing what had transpired in the hearts of each of these obedient folks. Today we’ll participate in the other ordinance of the Lord’s Supper where we again picture what He’s done.  We do “show the Lord’s death” (1Cor.11:26).  

I always take from both of these ordinances, that Christ has a perfect love for us.  No matter what we do wrong, how we fail Him, His love abides.  He knew ALL we’d sin before we were born and yet He died for US !   Incredible when you really think about it, huh?   In the eighth chapter of Romans is a gripping description of this love of God for us. Why not take a minute (that should be all it takes) to read verses 31-39 in which if I could sum up basically says that God will NEVER stop loving  YOU !

Maybe you really need to hear this today?  Maybe you don’t FEEL particularly loved, someone has hurt you or you feel like you have wronged God so how could He possibly love you?  This is where your faith needs to “kick in”, its not your feelings that you can totally trust – its what God says and how He is that is reliable !!  He will NEVER stop loving YOU, period !   Paul understood this and was brought to the solid conviction here or “persuaded” (vs.38) which is the Greek perfect tense so he’s letting us know his faith had kicked in before and continued to help him along through life’s hazards just as we need constant reminders in our ordinances of His love for us.  They may say men are from Mars & Women from Venus but we ALL need that reminder of God’s love.      

The FACT that He loves us enduringly doesn’t mean we should pervert and abuse His love and sin since no matter what He will always love me. No, instead it should drive me to love Him back in return and live a life that is truly pleasing to Him !  So next time you participate in the Lord’s Supper, enjoy it and simply remember, you are loved perfectly !!

First things first

As the new school year approaches, summer elapses and fall begins new routines being to emerge. In our area, you make adjustments for the 40,000+ Penn State students coming to town and living here most of the year. State College becomes the third biggest city on PA on a football Saturday ! So you make allowances for the extra people in your errands, planning, etc.   

What I’m saying is especially this time of year its good to look at your priorities.  It’s an interesting and apt word for it comes from “prior” and has the idea of superior, taking precedence because of importance.  Your priorities have to do with what you deem important.   Abraham permitted Lot to choose a part of the Promised Land before him because he deemed things less important than his nephew. Lot, we know, had other priorities. Consequently, his being wrong, he suffered much in time due to them.  Jacob viewed scheming to get ahead in life  yet said near the end of his life, “few and evil have been the days of my life” !  His priorities hindered his life and what he could’ve otherwise done well. 

Moses tells us in the decalogue to have no other gods before God (Ex.20)  and Christ Himself sums up the gist of Scripture with our need to love God supremely  and to seek Him (Mt.6:33) above all !    We worship the FIRST day of the week for a reason and Paul said, “let nothing be done through strife or vain glory but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves” (Phil.2:3).    I realize its more fashionable (and I use that term loosely as you will soon understand) to dress more casual to God’s house today. But what does that say about our priorities to the world, our fellow worshippers and even moreso to the Lord?  Yes some dress to impress and outdo others but we must be careful not to use that as an excuse for being well-groomed for God.  As they say, what would you wear to the White House if invited?  Speaking of priorities, Who is more important in that scenario ??

Since God is a God of order (1Cor.14:33) and we are to reflect His likeness there must be Christlike priorities in our lives.  Take some time today to evaulate if God is TRULY first with you.   Do you have a service for Him tomorrow at your church? If your priorities are right you won’t do it “half-baked” or prepare at the last minute.  You will give it your best effort.  Is tithing important to you? It is to God.   Or do you give Him what’s left over?  Aren’t you glad He doesn’t work that way with you?   When the new week starts will you opt for fun to the neglect of family responsibilities?  Will a hobby take precedence over how your home looks?   Will you engage in “ministry” to massage your ego or humbly serve the Master?  You are very important to Him, enough to DIE for you !  And that should serve as the impetus for your priorities, loving God FIRST and FOREMOST !!

Be Thou an Example

Whether you want to use the term mentor, example or whatever, can you think of one or more persons who was of particular help and encouragement to you in your earlier years as a Christian? Or perhaps someone you met some years after who you admire as an example of godliness and was a blessing and spiritual challenge to you?  I can think of several and one man I’d like to share with you today is still “chugging along” last time I saw him.  Dr. Branine was a pastor of mine while I attended college and was also the President of our Bible college.

I had seen Doc’s picture in the college catalog before I even checked out the school, I’d hear about him through my pastor and heard good things about him. I decided to visit the school as God was working on me about training for the ministry. My first glimpse of this man was him sitting on a lawn mower cutting the grass of the church he pastored.  Wow, I thought, what a servant’s heart, he’s not above such menial tasks as mowing his church’s lawn ! I determined there I want to have that same servant’s heart too.  

In the years that have since elapsed he continues to serve at his college and of course serve his Lord !  We like to have our heroes and they are good for us to have, they bolster our faith and they challenge us to greater heights of service and faithfulness to the Lord and in fact Hebrews 11 is a good list of heroes ! But what about you?  Are you giving much thought to the life God has given you, the salvation he’s accomplished so graciously for you?   He didn’t do so for you to sit and look to everyone else to do the job or be the role model, He called YOU to that very important act as well.   

When Christ left us with the Great Commission He said, “Go ye therefore and teach (make disciples) all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.  Teaching them to observe all things whatosoever I have commanded you. . .”  (Mt.28:19,20). Does not this teaching ministry first mean we have learned and are learning?     If you look back at your best teachers, didn’t they press you (you may have despised them at the time, ha) and weren’t they consistent for the most part?  That’s how we need to be with those God may entrust under us. Maybe a child, grandchild, or newer convert !  

We have the unique privilege to SERVE as an AMBASSADOR for JESUS CHRIST.  Take seriously that role upon you today, its worth it, it WILL make a difference in the life of someone around you.  Be careful what you say and do – and for this you will need His strength, ask for it He will give it.  And go off into the day equipped to be an example of Christlikeness !

Contentment 101

I have always been intrigued by a statement Paul made in Philippians 4:11, “Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have LEARNED, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.”    Real contentment is something we all want, yet it eludes many because many don’t allow themselves to be “schooled” as did Paul.    As a Christian, we know the deal that such satisfaction can only be found through Christ. We know that “in theory” yet sometimes that breaks down in practice as we hit those “road bumps of life”.

Pity the poor folks at our church who hear repeat illustrations from their pastor but for any not in our church this may be the first time you have heard this poem. If not, its worth repeating.  It came from a little eight year old girl:

“Oh what a happy soul I am,
Although I cannot see !
I am resolved that in this world
contented I will be !

How many blessings I enjoy
that other people dont,
To weep and sigh because I’m blind
I cannot, and I won’t !

The great hymnwriter Fanny Crosby who was blinded by a quack “doctor” in her infancy refused to allow her situation to ruin the life God had given her. So she gave God her best and she gave us in turn many great hymns we still enjoy today like “Blessed Assurance”,  “Safe in the Arms of Jesus”, & “All the Way My Savior Leads Me” . She was friend to many of our presidents and a great many more “common” people.  She had memorized huge portions of the Bible like the first five books for some, and all in Braille !!  There was a girl who refused to let her handicap get the best of her.  She too had learned contentment.   

Still I wouldn’t say Fanny or Paul learned that through a simple decision of the will. No, I think Paul clues us in as he writes in vs.13 that confident remark we’ve maybe said, thought or had spoken to us in times when we felt weak or discouraged, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”     HE is the key here undoubtedly.  If you read the context of that verse Paul was saying that no matter what happened, whether “abased” or “abounding” he had been “instructed” in the lesson of contentment thats not based on a good day or a bad day but a good and powerful God !

If you’re saved then just like Paul and Fanny Crosby, YOU have that same good and mighty God too.   And whatever is on your plate today,  draw from His peace and strength and be content !


You can shoot or you can sing !

Bob Reccord had a severe cervical spinal injury. Pain was frequent and severe, sleep was minimal.  He had to wear a neck brace for five weeks straight. About halfway through this experience, he was sitting in his screened-in porch  on a cold day when suddenly a bird landed on the railing and began to sing.  Bob could not believe on such a cold and rainy day that any creature had a reason to sing. He wanted to shoot that bird !  But the bird kept up his happy chorus and Bob had no choice but to listen.   The next day it was sunny and warm and Bob was tempted to feel sorry for himself as he sat once again on his porch. Suddenly that bird showed up and began to sing again. As he was wishing for his shotgun suddenly it hit Bob: the bird was able to sing no matter what the situation ! 

So what’s your circumstances lately?  Are you still singing?  Hebrews 11:6 says, “But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.”      A RIGHT faith will make things right !     This part of the faith chapter precedes many of the grand stories of faith in it like Noah, Abraham, Sarah, & Joseph.    But before God reminds us of these folks of faith He stops to repeat something very important about faith:  choosing to take God at His Word no matter what befalls you is CRITICAL !

Let me ask you – who lives without faith? NO ONE !   Even the atheist has his belief system.  So He’s not speaking of any faith but a faith IN Him !  In fact it states its IMPOSSIBLE to please God apart from such faith. That word is the opposite of powerful and means unable to be done ! Nobody gets to heaven apart from Christ, and no Christian can “sing” apart from truly trusting Him either.  So think about this for a sec, are you REALLY serious about those things you know He wants from you?   You will struggle if you’re not regularly reading and drawing strength from His Word.  If worry is taking over, did you forget you can pray and “cast all your care on Him for He cares for you”?     It really reduces the pressure when you truly trust. 

You may be like Bob today or you may know someone who is “injured”.  Draw encouragement for yourself or others as you find a genuine reason to sing no matter what !   Yes in trials there will still be the concern, the doubts, the fears but trusting God will stabilize you and bring you back to a place of confidence that He is real and is even using your adversity for great good (Rom.8:28) !!!!

Surf’s up, are you?

Did you hear the news of the 61 year old swimmer Diana Nyad who just attempted to swim around 100 miles to Cuba in shark infested waters? Wow !  Her shoulder prevented the feat but she did give it a great try. Twenty-nine hours in the ocean is a worthy attempt indeed.  Yes, she’s a world renowned swimmer, yes she evidenced tremendous courage and yes she even shunned her age for a very challenging goal. 

She is not unlike many of God’s children when you think about it. We live in a dark world as children of light and as James said there come to each of our lives “divers (not related to swimming) temptations” .  Our “waters” are at times deep and murky and for those who love the Lord there are always “sharks”. Like Diana, we grow weary and just want to give up the “swim”.   I’m often reminded of Paul’s adage in Galatians 6 where he urged us to “not be weary in well doing for in due season we SHALL  reap if we faint not.” !

Perseverance is the clarion call of the Lord to His children as He knows we have toils, snares and all kinds of waves looking to thwart our journey. Yet He is there with us all the time, a very present help in trouble and we may all go boldly unto the throne of grace to bring our hurts and cares to Him and when you think about it the journey is soon over. The other day I was chatting with a guy in his 80’s who still works 60+ hours a week (he’s “swimming”) and he reminded me yet again how very fast life truly is.

  Keep at it today child of God, the “swim” will be worth it !  As Jesus agonized in Gethsemane He continued that we might live eternally and be able also to navigate troubled waters in this life too.  Think how much your struggles handled well will also translate to huge blessings in time too: in due season YOU SHALL reap, if you faint not !!  Think how much you will show Christ to others around you as you give your best to your “swim”. Oh, you may not set out to accomplish all you want, as Diana, but God just asks your best effort as I preached on Sunday. And when you give that rest assured you will hear His “Well done thou good and faithful servant” ! (Mt.25).

The Fear of the Lord

Nancy and I were about to enter the Holy Land Experience in Orlando this spring when I noticed the man in line in front of us whip out his wallet to pay for his admission and his driver’s license showed him from Nebraska.  So I said “Hey welcome to the Big Ten, we’re from the Penn State area.”  After a little chit chat he said “You better look out this year” to which I responded back very sternly on the outside “You better look out !!”  Then of course, I laughed once I saw his reaction.  His face revealed some fear which he then explained was due to the reputation through the years that Penn State has demonstrated on the field as a football power.   Yes, we left on good terms. I complemented his team, he did ours and I told him realistically his team looked the better this year and yes Mike Martin, I expect the Cornhuskers to beat Ohio State, ha !

So what’s my point?  Fear !!  In particular, the fear of God.  The Bible is rife with the idea and for good reason. As we read and undersatnd the concept it is a very healthy notion for us. We need it in our lives and wise Solomon understood that as he scribed, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning (the head, chief, foundation) of knowledge; but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”  (Prov.1:7).   A key verse in Proverbs, the wise king called for the fear of the Lord to be the basis in our life.    His father David stated, “The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever” (Ps.19:7).

The fear of the Lord is that reverence and respect we all need given the fact that God is God and we are sinners. That His Word, as David said, is pure and so far be it from us to  not believe it.  When we do have the right perspective as to Who God is and in turn what His Word is it is then we can begin to truly learn and grow. We leave the way of the foolish and venture down the path of the sage or truly wise. Moreso than a football powerhouse, the Lord’s reputation is absolutely flawless and all-powerful. He is omniscient or all-knowing !  We respect or fear Him when we live in light of such facts. It keeps us on an even keel, deters us from sin, encourages us when things look scary, etc.  Not sure which way to turn, how things will go in the future, dogged by something in the past?  Fear the Lord, He is able !  Let all your decisions today be made in reverential awe to He Who loves you so !!