Love one another

One of the blessings of a vacation for us has been visiting other churches. Meeting other brothers and sisters in Christ, seeing how churches do things different, picking up some new tips or picking a pastor’s brain, and getting preached to instead of preaching at someone else is all refreshing. One of the special highlights for us last evening at a Wednesday service was to see how the folks truly elevated prayer as well as their enthusiasm for Christ.  We both remarked later how the folks in this church truly had a genuine love for one another which is what Jesus said should mark us, “By this shall all men know ye are My disciples if ye have love one for another.” (Jn.13:35).

Think of the people in your church. They are at differing levels. Some are very dedicated, they come every service unless Providentially hindered, they serve faithfully, they give tirelessly, they are good examples of Christlikeness.  Some are newly saved and thus have much to learn, nonetheless are eager to do so and there are those not as committed who come but something else drives their engine other than their Savior and hopefully there are also some who come as yet unsaved and by seeing our love to one another are being drawn to Christ by your testimony. How much are you praying for these folks? I mean, carefully ?!

In some churches people tend to pick apart each other but the Lord wants us to pray for our fellow worshippers. Yes, many will be different from you, but all who are saved have Him in common and our Lord commands us that “ye love one another, as I have loved  YOU.”  (Jn.15:12).  So next time you’re in church, show a kindness, speak an encouraging word, tell them you’ll breathe a prayer for them. Love takes some effort, but is so worth it !

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