Where is a MAN ?

“And I sought for a MAN among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before Me for the land, that I should not destroy it but I found none.”  (Ezekiel 22:30).  If you haven’t seen it yet – U NEED TO !   I’m talking about the movie “Courageous”.  I won’t ruin the surprise of the story but will tell you that its wonderful film produced by the same ministry that did “Fireproof”.  And I will tell you it challenges men to  step up to the plate as a Dad and of course as what a real man is to be.  Ladies can easily make the application to their lives too.

There is, though, a “chickification” in our society, which ultimately Satan is behind, that seeks to reverse our God designed roles in Scripture. And so this movie was very refreshing.  One of the things they did cite in the film was that there is a great scarring of the children that goes on when the father is absent in the home.  But the tragedy of a missing Dad isn’t just when he is a deadbeat and leaves the home physically, it also extends to when he is still there but absent spiritually and emotionally !

Our homes and our churches will suffer when men arent men. God created both the sexes with unique attributes which are essential to the devlopment of a healthy child and home.  We tend to focus a good bit on the female side of this verse, “. . .It is not good that the man should be alone, I will make him an help meet for him” (Gen.2:18) but there is a male side, if you will.  The basic idea is a suitable helper or complement. Adam wasn’t really fine or complete without Eve, nor was she without him !   She was created when God took a part out of Adam so she needed him !!  Sadly how often men are disrespected by a world that teaches this, again Satan is behind this as he knows God designed the family to be headed by the man. When it isn’t things are not as they should be in His plan.   I recall a former professor likening the leadership in the home to be like a corporation with the man as CEO or President and the wife as V-P.  Her opinions are just as important, and certainly godly men should never demean a woman, but when it all comes down to it he is to lead and God will hold him accountable for the home moresoe than the woman.

So guys when it comes to your home are you lovingly leading? In your church do you show a great example of supporting your pastor and encouraging fellow church members as you serve well?   In most churches today it’s sad to see men not coming as they once did or if they do to see them just sit while women work hard there and fill positions that they could be. Men ought to be the pacesetters in every congregation and home leading lives that look like Christ !  So I don’t care who you are or even if the movie plug doesn’t jazz you yet, WATCH IT and you will say what everyone else has that I know has seen it – What a fantastic movie – Oh, and ladies and MEN. . . take a lot of tissues !!!

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