Make me a Blessing !!

Yesterday was my turn to mow at our church and I’d asked Ken (a man in our church who was saved last year) to help but he said he had an appointment. I asked him mainly to just spend time with him.  He told me he couldn’t as he had an appointment, so I told him that’s fine, no biggie. But just before 7 a.m. he called the church and said he cancelled his appointment and would be there to help me.  As we chatted during a break later at church he told me he’d been thinking about it all morning (whatever “all morning” means before 7 a.m., ha !) that I needed help and he was going to come !!

Some people can be a real encouragement, some a real discouragement, what kind are you lately to others?   Are you, as the hymn goes, a “channel of blessing”, or no?  Honestly?!!   Sometimes it feels we have so much on our plate we have nothing left to give others, yet its just those times maybe we should just stop trying to clean up our plate and work on someone else’s !  In doing so then, we often find the relief we need but moreso, we glorify God by being a blessing to those He places in our path in need.  And we, as Jonathan did to his friend David,  help strengthen someone’s hand in the Lord !!

Strive to be a bleesing to someone today, don’t let Satan or your own flesh get you so wrapped today in life’s stresses that you fail to serve and enjoy the joy the wonder of being used of God to impact another life near you.  When Jonathan saw David and his love for the Lord he decided to humble himself and be a good and refreshing friend.  He “stripped himself of the robe that was upon him, and gave it to David, and his garments even to his sword, and to his bow, and to his girdle.”   (1 Sam.18:4)  – This was no light act, for he was the king’s son and doing this meant he was willing to elevate his friend David to the point of denying his own agenda or even becoming the next king !    He saw God’s hand on David’s life and wanted to do what he could to help him advance for Christ.  Sometimes all we see in front of us is our own life and goals, yet God has a  much larger plan and we do well to help that come about as we encourage and uplift those He puts in our path each day.  So be an encourager, you will be encouraged as you are !!!

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