Fill ‘er up !

There’s a little symbol or icon on most computers signifying how much power you have on your laptop before you must recharge the battery. Click on it and it may say 50%, for example.  It’s one way of safeguarding, as you work on your PC, that you won’t be in the middle of doing some work on your machine and it shuts down for lack of juice !  I guess in some ways its similar to the gas gauge on your car.   But what’s your meter reading in your heart today?   That is, does the Holy Spirit have 100% of you, or less?   Have you turned complete control over to Him or are you chugging along with low spiritual power?

As Paul was wrting to his dear friends in Christ in Ephesus, he commanded them by Holy Spirit inspired force “And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit.” (5:18).   One the one hand, the concern here is not to have “the tank” full of the wrong stuff but instead Him Who is always right and all-powerful.    Not long ago a church member was going to mow our lawn at church and he mistakenly filled the mower with kerosene instead of gasoline.  It wasn’t long before the motor was sputtering and just conked out that he realized his error.  But how much more grave when we fill our life with things other than Him, in some cases it leads to lethal consequences but always to less than ideal happenings.

And oh how easy it is to live life in my strength rather than rest in His.  It’s so easy for some of us to live with an independence that shoves the Lord to the side but as a child of God we must walk the line of doing what He wants us to while at the same time doing so with Him in charge.  When it comes to a decision, rely on His Word above all. When it comes to service, give it your best while all the time drawing from His power. When you “feel” less than wanting to be gracious, ask for His compassion to be so.  Today is a new day, make sure the battery of your heart is connected and drawing power from Him and you won’t be flat, you can then get through anything  (Phil.4:13) !!!

A Threefold cord

We resumed our monthly church dinners today after all the commotion of the holidays and it was a good one.  It’s always good to see new people at church and then to stay for a dinner so we can get to know them and also them, us.  A church dinner or any activity of the church should be viewed not primarily as “what’s in it for me” or even how much it will cost me (If you put Him first He will help with that, Mt.6:33 “seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you”) but how can I minister even through such a function !   I have long thought that fellowship is a great blessing in that you get to experience Christ through the lives of others in many ways (how He comes through in attitudes, actions, etc.).   But for me such times have been much needed spiritual boosts as we laugh, discuss, and get to know our spiritual siblings.  And yes they can even be times of much needed conviction and correction !!

I have also noticed that when things start to deteriorate in a Christian’s life that fellowship becomes less of a premium quite often.  Satan succeeds in getting the believer to withdraw from these times of encouraging fellowship and before you know it some even leave a church altogether.  So its a good thing, as the early church understood, that we communicate with each other, that we laugh, and get to know one another better. We had better for we’ll be with each other a very long time, HA !  One particular blessing was listening to a Dad ask his now married daughter to come back to church next time she is off work. He was encouraging her spiritually and I was privileged to hear it.  My sermon was over and I got listen !!

Solomon said a “three-fold cord is not quickly broken” (Ecc.4:12). Take time to fellowship this week with your siblings in Christ. Don’t just rush in and out of church, call another believer, not to whine but to encourage and be encouraged !   Enjoy this precious blessing of the Christian life !!!

The Rock of All Ages

The snow is coming down in strong flurries here today, a stark contrast from yesterday when temperatures were in the 60’s !    Much of the country is experiencing the same radical shift in the weather but isn’t it comforting to know that God is immutable or unchanging as to His nature?   The writer of Hebrews (whoever he was !) wrote this:  “Jesus Christ the same, yesterday, and today, and forever” (13:8) !!!   This is exciting when you contemplate it especially with the shifting ways of this old world.   Malachi spoke of God, “For I am the Lord, I change not.” !! (3:6).

I just read about a man who spoke up for our second amendment right to bear arms and he raised some fascinating points. He said for years America has had a great gun culture (boy scouts could earn marksmanship badges, hardware stores would sell you a gun, etc.) and yet there wasn’t the problem with mass shootings then as now.   The cities with the strictest gun control laws (Washington, D.C. & Chicago) have the greatest rates of crime !   He concluded, rightly, that we don’t need more laws we need better morals !  The issue is not the gun itself but the people’s hearts holding them !!  We have changed as a society for the worse for we have abandonded the Unchanging One !!!!!

So what, my friend, can you do to help our nation come to the Immutable God?  You can show them a consistent testimony for Christ (pray for God to help you there), you can stay focused on Him when the winds of change blow in your life (looking to Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith, Heb.12:2), you can do what is right and follow the principles of His Word no matter what for it is a stable, sure foundation (the testimony of the Lord  is sure, Ps.19:7).  Be a steady rock by resting in Him today, you can count on Him !!!

Picking up the spiritual pace

Well, there’s almost one month down for the year.  Why does it seem as you age time goes faster? What happened to January, huh?  I think a lot of it is just plain old busyness.  We get involved with things and before you know it the day is done, the week is over, the month is toast ! Paul penned to the Ephesian believers that we are to be “redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” (Eph.5:16).  Or as the Greek infers “make the best use of time. . . ”  because time is so short here for us all.  We never know how much God has for us.

On a positive note we are one month closer to heaven !!  But what did you do FOR the Lord this past month, really?  Could you look back at the past month and say you did well reading the Bible?  How was your attendance at church, faithful or sporadic?  Did you support God’s work in your local church with your tithes and talents? And if so,  how so?  With quality or no? Be honest !!!  Did you witness to someone last month? Were you more critical or encouraging to those around you?  Did people notice the joy of the Lord in your life or someone who was miserable or erratic in their demeanor?   Did you make good time for those you love ?

This past month you registered a part of your life in God’s record book and though none of us can say we did the month with perfection we ought to be able to say, by His grace, we had a pretty good month spiritually speaking.   If so, rejoice in the Lord for His strength and strides He allowed you to make but if not, there is a new month ahead and determine to be surrendered completely to Him to live a balanced and blessed month FOR Him and BY Him.  New adventures await you if you look for them, not the same ole same ole when you truly live for Him !  So how about it, are you up for a great month? God is – join Him !!

Saying “I Love You”

I spoke with my father on the phone today. He’s been pretty sick and has been hospitalized for about a week now. It was a pretty good chat as he has been feeling better and he told me of all the visitors he’s had and how the pastor has taken time to come see him now a few times.  As we wound down the conversation, he said something that doesn’t often come easy for his generation telling me he loved me.  Dad loves a good western and John Wayne movies were common to watch in our home growing up.  But old “Duke” didn’t exactly wear his emotions on his sleeves !  So it was good to hear what I did for though there were some traits to admire in John Wayne, many men in the Bible give us a  far better role model to follow and one such example was the apostle John.

You may have heard the term “Apostle of Love” for John.  He was just that as he wrote of the subject much and was often encouraging fellow believers to above all, love one another !  Tradition claims that John still was attending church near the ripe old age of 100 and was often carried in to church where he would many times admonish his brethren to show the love of Christ to each other.   How often do you tell, especially your close family, that you love them? It’s easy to speak of their faults and take them for granted but God loves them so shouldn’t we also?

Have you  let a fellow believer know in the recent past that you love them in the Lord and are praying for them? People have a great capacity to be loved having been created in the likeness and image of God for as John wrote “God is love” (1Jn.4:8 & 16) !! I tell our folks often that is the shortest theological definition of God found in Scripture.   Take some time today to verbally express your love for those around you. You do not know how long you or they will be here, so why delay in this?  Read the book of Philemon and notice how Paul is very verbal in his affection for his brethren in Christ or Romans 16 how warm his words are for his siblings in the Lord.  Ask God to give you an increasingly better and compassionate heart for folks around you and as He does, your tongue will be sure to follow !

Cataract Surgery

I had a humorous email from a woman in our church who recently had surgery on her eyes to remove cataracts.  She said once she was done she noticed her husband was not as thin, had grey hair and moved a lot slower than when she last remembered with better eye sight !  After a chuckle I thought how we all at times see things with “cataract vision”.    Our perspective on things isn’t quite what it should be because of the impairments of fear, guilt, lack of discernment, bitterness, apathy, weariness or  some other spiritual problem clouding our proper vision !

For instance, what do you see when a problem occurs in your life?  Most of us tend to initially focus on the problem (which is understandable) then we start to either look at it from His point of view or we take a lower road and fixate on it and worry.   What do you see when the Lord allows a person to come into your life who is far from spiritual?  An irritant or a potential good sibling in the Lord? A mission field?  What about a blessing that enters your life? Do we see it as “It’s about time, Lord” or “God is good and so gracious !”  How about when things are especially trying? “Why, God are you being so hard on me?  When will this ever end and what are You doing to me?” rather than “Thank you for what You are teaching me and how you love me enough to better me through this.”     Yes, those are all easy to say but sometimes hard to really see – it takes the insight of God, a heavenly vision , if you will.  But it’s possible and probable the more our center of attention is our Lord rather than something or someone else.

The writer of Hebrews wrote this terrific admonition in the start of the twelfth chapter, “. . .looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith, Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross. . .” (vs.2).   We are to set our gaze on Him as He did going to Calvary.  How hard that must’ve truly been, even for the sinless Son of God, and yet the key was His perspective. He saw joy beyond the pain and suffering, He rightly anticipated there was something much more precious than the agony ahead, there was something to be gained far far more !  Joy would come in time, in spite of all the sorrow and anguish of that crucifixion day.  And the same is true for the child of God, thanks to Him !!!  So, whatever you are going through, yes there is light at the end of your tunnel.    And by faith in Him, your task is to see it so and walk in light of this reality. It is not a skewed or pie in the sky viewpoint, it is how it is with the Lord !  Let the “cataracts” come off by the scalpel of His promises and see how things truly are and rejoice !!  Things will be just fine !!!!!

Bane or Blessing?

Technology can be a wonderful thing. A couple of days ago my wife and I sat and listened on the computer to a man read some chapters in the Bible to us which we are reading as a congregation.  You can “dial up” about any chapter you want and just sit back and hear God’s Word read to you !  We can enjoy better health thanks to advances in medicine, our travel has been greatly enhanced by technology not just in the speed of getting there to our destination but even our comfort. Imagine if a person could be transported from the covered wagon days to enjoy a trip from coast to coast in a luxurious automobile with plush heated seats, movies to watch, heat and air conditioning or a plane where one can sit back and traverse thousands of miles in the sky and enjoy a meal and a nice movie !  Those pioneers would flip out !!

But as a much as technology can be a blessing it can also be a bane too !   Yesterday at church I spoke a little about this in how our PLD’s or personal listening devices where we put on headphones or the ear buds and listen to our favorite tunes and tune out the real world around us can hinder our much needed social contact for us AND those around us.  God looked around at His wonderful creation at the end of creation week and uttered it was very good with one expection,  “it is not good that man should be alone” (Gen.2:18).  We were all created in the likeness and image of God and that being the case we need the social component nurtured.  Some years back a Christian teen girl in our town was jogging with her PLD in place and while crossing an intersection was hit and killed by a car.  She never saw it coming as she was not attuned to the real world around here but immersed in her music.  Yet what tragedies await us when we retreat into a world of solitude and don’t stay in touch and in service to the real world about us?

We, as God’s children, are to be engaging those God puts in our path.  Think with me about Paul for a moment and compare to your own life’s circumstances. He was imprisoned on more than one occasion and instead of withdrawing into bitterness for adversity he didn’t deserve he chose to still reach out to his captors or anyone else to whom he could minister to !    Financial strains, medical situations, work or family trials may not be what you counted on but God has you where He wants you for a reason, remember that, and choose to be joyful, servile and content knowing that God will work all things together for good to them that love Him (Rom.8:28).  Choose to be a blessing today !!!

Wait on the Lord

I’m not the best when it comes to waiting (which I have pinpointed to my sin nature).  If I have an appointment and I’m running close to getting there on time and someone is going 35 in a 55 speed zone in front of me, it’s a real challenge to not think or say some choice things about the putzer ahead !  How about you, is waiting a challenge to you also?    It was for Abraham and Sarah but God had and still has His reasons for us to wait and we must learn to trust Him as they did.

God had promised Abraham an heir yet the aging patriarch looked at his wrinkles and perhaps even Sarah’s and wondered WHEN this was going to happen ! Their biological clocks were not exactly Rolex’s at this point !!  But God reiterated His promise and in essence told him to wait on Him and all would be fine. In fact He urged Abraham to look up at the stars and try counting them for “So shall thy seed be” !! (Gen.15:5)  And it was at this Divine astronomy class that Abraham had a “light bulb over the head” moment as the next verse states: “And he believed in the Lord and He counted it to him for righteousness.”    Abraham would grow tremendously in his faith by having to wait on the Lord just as these times of delay in what we’d like to come to fruition are too.

But the Lord also went on to reveal to this man of faith that his children would go on to become a great nation yet suffer for four hundred years as slaves (a glimpse into their time in Egypt prior to the exodus) but all this waiting for his children and delay of experiencing the blessings of the Promised Land God was also doing something FOR the unbelievers !   “But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again (back to the Promised Land): for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full.”  Why must Israel wait in bondage? Why must we deal with delays when we’re living for God?   God was giving the Amorites time to repent !  The delays of answered prayer or the lack of reward to our obedience, the waiting on justice from the hand of God all have a proper reason from Him and sometimes it is to give the wayward a chance to come around to Him. But rest assured, God will do what is right in His time and it is our task to keep doing what’s right and wait !!

So the next time “your agenda” is stifled in some way, remember, He is attempting to strengthen your faith even more and extending His grace to someone around you. All in all He is continuing to do for you and for all that which is best, so learn to be patient, He is very much so with you !!

Comfort Zones

Our church is being encouraged this year to read some selected portions of the Bible carefully and meditate on them and apply them. We want to let God affect us well with His Word.  So to this end I was musing on “comfort zones”. We all have them !  We know we are to live by faith but sometimes launching out into the “unknown” is scary to us.  We like to live life in a nice, neat place and we resist change especially when we’re content where we’re at, yet the greatest lives ever lived are those that followed God out of the comfort zones of life !!  Such was the life of that great man of faith, Abraham.    As Moses recorded for us what’s come to be known as the “Abrahamic Covenant”, look at these familiar verses: “Now the Lord has said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will show thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great, and thou shalt be a blessing.” (Gen.12:1-2).

Abraham lived in a city that was on the cutting edge of societal living. It was safe, offered many luxuries to him, his family was all there and yet God called him to a new yet unidentified place. “Oh, don’t worry Abraham once you get a move on I will clue you in, trust Me !”   And as the patriarch pulled up stakes and started on his faith trek imagine what he must’ve thought as he lifted left sandal, then right, left, then right – “Ok, Lord, I’m out of my confort zone now, so where are we going? Are we there yet?”

But Abraham had something solid. He didn’t have the slick promises of some earthly businessman but the sure oath of the God of all the universe !!   When God lets come into your life circumstances that “threaten” to wrest you out of your comfort zone, rest assured it will all turn out good.  It sure did for Abraham, didn’t it?   And yes, along the way, he did learn some great lessons. He did not always exercise the best of faith but through everything he was molded into a great, great man of faith and opened himself up for God’s choicest blessings – and so will YOU !  So what changes are looming on your horizon?  Relax and trust God each step of the way. Like Abraham, you too have the tried and true promises of God so walk by them each moment especially when you feel a little anxious. Remember, He wants to bless you and make you a blessing as He did with Abraham !!!!    Sometimes, the comfort zone is all that’s keeping us from something really great happening, so don’t be afraid, find your comfort in Him, He will never fail you !!

Perfect Health

So how has your health been lately?  Our son told us recently that the hospital near him has set up three tents near their facility just to accomodate the vast number of people with this year’s version of the flu.  Most of my family has had it, church members aplenty have, and other acquaintances outside our church have been stricken with some type of winter ailment.   All this sickness despite man’s grand technology !  Have we advanced? Not as much as we’d like to boast for sin is a very strong foe.  Each year the CDC battles the next mutation of virus and comes up with another flu shot but the battle is never over !

We get sick ultimately because there is sin that has affected our world and us, the end of sickness unchecked is death and Paul wrote “wherefore as by one man sin entered the world and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.” (Rom.5:12).  So the great flu epidemic of 2013 is a microcosm of the end result of sin’s reality in this world, we are all walking dead men, that is, until we accept the Lord ! Isn’t this great news?!   Despite the fact we live in a fallen, diseased world salvation through Christ secures for us a new body one day with perfect health, one which will never wear out or contract some ghastly illness and we shall live in that body throughout all eternity !  When Paul wrote the Philippian church he wrote this nugget of encouragement: ” Who [Christ] shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like unto His glorious body. . . ” (Phil.3:21) and to the Corinthians: “For this corruptible [our current physical body] must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.” (1Cor.15:53).

So, you may not feel too hot lately but rest assured as a child of God there are plenty days ahead you will feel just fine !! And all thanks to a Savior Who took care of the sin problem and all that that entails at the cross !  Thank Him today for the good health you have enjoyed, praise Him for the perfect health you WILL enjoy !!!