Down but not out !

So how are things going with you lately? Are you stressed? Weary? Discouraged?  I do not believe it is necessarily wrong to be any of these, that is, unless you stay there.  Why? Because of the God we serve !!   As you read of Paul, Job, and others they all went through difficult times but what helped them through these was learning of and focusing on the Lord.   The apostles were in disarray after Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion but what began to lift their spirits was the knowledge that He was indeed alive. To put it as the angel did at the garden tomb, “He is not here: for He is risen, as He said.” (Mt.28:6).

Sometimes life gets so trying, we’re not sure what to do, what God is trying to teach us through a trial and we react and we focus so much on the hardship we have forgotten to look at the Master !   Hebrews 12:1-2 has an excellent admonition for us at such times: “. . .let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus. . . ” .    Check this, lay aside what is weighing you down (cast it on Him who cares for YOU, 1 Pt.5:7) instead of trying to carry it by yourself (maybe He has put you here to teach you to stop being so self-sufficient). Why not pray and trust where you know you should when tempted to fixate on the matter? Don’t try to assume God’s place, you have enough on your plate.   Sometimes it’s a matter of sinful choices that has landed us in a place of hardship, renounce the sin and exchange it for right practices.

Then, keep at what is right for in due season you shall reap if you faint not (Gal.6:9), This is God’s solemn promise to YOU !  And last, just as the Lord did at Calvary, stay focused on (not the trial) but the triumph God will give in the end !   Life can be rough here but you have a remarkable Savior Who is desirous to help you through such times.  Get into the Word, read it thoughtfully and prayerfully. Pour your heart out to Him in worship and watch Him guide you through rough waters to a tranquil and triumphant place !!

Honoring George Washington

Well today is George Washington’s birthday.  The Father of our country is nearing 300 years old now and he was indeed a great man, a rare breed ! I have mentioned to our church the book “On Being George Washington” and was really caught up in reading it for he stood on principle and believed in, as they often referred to God in his day, “Providence”.   He was a man of prayer, was committed to his church and his country and strove to instill in his followers (both soldiers and countrymen alike) the need to worship the Lord and live by His Word.

If the Lord should tarry another 300 years before He returns in the rapture what kind of legacy will you have left?  One of the verses in our reading at church this week has been Prov.22:1, “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold.”  How important is it to you to build a good testimony?  Reputations are fragile things. Like fine china they can be ruined in an instant of foolishness but also like fine china they can be of immense value and be a beautiful thing to behold in a life.  Our decaying culture has traded the olden and more scriptural values of a good report, integrity and faithfulness for popularity before others, deceit, and unreliability.

While I’m pretty sure old George never threw a coin across the Potomac River, I do believe he left a great example for us to follow because he lived his life typically for his Master’s praise not men’s applause.  Honor his memory today and live well by making the right decisions even if they are unpopular or hard and you will leave something of more value than things and money to your loved ones and in the process glorify God and draw others to Him !   Today is one slice of your life, live it to His glory !!

Rejoice with those who rejoice

Everyone in our church who knows our daughter and son-in-law well may be struggling today with the sin of envy for they are headed to sunny, WARM Florida !  As we exchanged texts early this morning she told me she was looking forward to 80 degree temperatures in a matter of a few hours. That’s about an 80 degree upswing !  What a blessing !! Ha !!    I’m reminded of an important verse of Scripture we all tend to struggle with, “Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.” (Romans 12:15).     How easy it is to rejoice when you are enjoying something you’d consider a blessing but when others do, because we contend with our sin nature and problems here, our tendency is to wonder “Why not me Lord?”   “Why do they enjoy that?”   When truth is, we should be Christ and other person centered enough that we are genuinely joyous for the blessings God gives to others.  But as we look through the prism of our difficulties and focus on our burdens it becomes difficult to muster up true joy for others when we are immersed in our own misery !   Thus we need to be commanded to rejoice so.

When you find yourself jealous at others remember this Divine mandate to change your attitude and rise above the sinful thoughts that threaten to drag you down further and ruin your testimony.    Sometimes our lack of blessing is due to our own sin and we may be experiencing a harvest consistent with past transgressions but thankfully we don’t need to stay there. With God’s Word as our guide we can start a good harvest that will in time change the bad crop to a blessed one so be not weary in well doing for in due season you shall reap if you faint not (Gal.6:9).

Remember this when you are tempted to not rejoice as our text states:  If you are saved, you already are blessed without seeing all the blessings in store for you !   You have enjoyed some but there is so much more on the horizon for you, in fact an eternity’s worth awaiting YOU !!!!   So if life is a little rough now, if the frigid temperatures have you down and longing for warmth, the blessings are ahead, my friend, because you are His child.   REJOICE today, its only right and it glorifies the Lord.

Are you covered?

I received a call today from our church’s insurance company. The agent wants to look at the church as part of a periodic inspection to see if we’re underinsured or they can make a little more money !  My guess is both instances will play out, ha !  At any rate we do want to be sure that the church is covered.  Are you covered?   Odds are if you are reading this you have been saved and are thus covered by the blood of Christ shed at the cross for your sin as John wrote, “And He is the propitiation (covering) for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.” (1Jn.2:2).  John’s readers, especially Jewish ones, understood this word “propitiation” for the blood covered mercy seat symbolized what the Messiah would one day do at Calvary in covering us potentially with His blood from eternal judgment.  This is the best of insurance policies being sealed by His blood and guaranteed by He Who cannot lie !

How about coverings in other ways though?   Have you covered the sin nature well today by immersing yourself in a time of reading the Word?  While this will not remove your sin nature it will help to check it and renew the impure mind we were all born with.   And what about daily confession of sin?  While we have been totally forgiven at conversion and the sin debt has been fully paid in a legal sense we still sin and incur a loss of fellowship with God and sometimes others due to us trying to cover up our sins rather than confess them by truly repenting of them.   If know you something you should deal with with another brother or sister in Christ, don’t let it fester but lovingly uncover it to them and if their heart is bare before God it may be an opportunity to blossom in that relationship and at the same time glorify the Lord and your church !   So are you covered?


Finding Peace

It is very interesting to see the hand of God at work in the lives of people as a pastor.  This morning I travelled on ice and snow covered roads for several miles to be with an older man who I’d led to Christ not long ago and his daughter.  He is dying of cancer and she is understandably discouraged and caring for him at home.   He could barely open his eyes to look at me and respond yet I’m so glad to know he will be in heaven when this earthly trial is over for him.  As the daughter, hospice nurse and I sat and chatted, the daughter told me it’s been rough and she has been given a prescription to medicate her should she need relief from the emotional duress.

I looked her straight in the eyes and told her that what is far better for her is fixing her mind on the truth.  While we are in such situations it is so easy to focus exclusively on our troubles and so then we do get down. And the world says, “Medicate, Medicate !”  But the Lord wants to be our comfort and peace.    I reminded her she has had almost 90 years to enjoy her Dad and his body is worn out, his earthly sojourn almost ended.  Remember to be glad he’s saved, and that the same salvation he received enables any of his family to be with him forever too.   Where she has been dwelling a lot on his deteriorating condition, its the Word that was able to encourage her of his soon to be eternal blessing !  This woman has yet to darken the door of our church, but it makes me wonder that God is at work using even this sad happening to bring another couple to Him and they too find the peace that can only be found in Jesus Christ.

Are you burdened by some earthly trial lately?  Do you know someone who is?  Remember, to let His peace pervade your mind and as Paul wrote the Philippians so many years ago now, “And the peace OF God which passes all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (4:7).    Lean on His Word for comfort, encouragement, hope, strength and when you do His peace will keep or guard you mentally in a way that Prozac never could ! And why? Because this is “through, not some pharamaceutical company, but CHRIST JESUS.”  !!!!

True Love

It is not without coincidence that after Paul writes what  the Holy Spirit had him write in Romans 7 (how that we as believers still struggle with our fleshly nature), he then  takes up the theme of God’s love in the next chapter !  Love is not only important, it is vital !!  We crave it, we were created with a capacity for it, it promotes a sense of security in us and yet as much as we desire to be loved we question the very One Whom love truly is !!!  And it’s no wonder when we guzzle down what Hollywood puts before us as love. So, we wonder does He still love me in light of the sin I have committed?   At times then we “feel” unloved, yet nothing could be further from the truth for the child of GOD !!

Paul’s words ending chapter eight of Romans proclaim loudly the truth that God will NEVER stop loving you – isn’t that great news to hear on Valentine’s Day? Or ANY day?  “He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up FOR US. . .” (vs.32) is something we must remember when we “feel” unloved. And so His love is PROTECTIVE for “Who shall lay anything to the charge of God’s elect?” (vs.33). You are His and He Who is love (1Jn.4:8,16) will watch closely and compassionately over His beloved.

But, and this is so awesome, His love is PERMANENT too !  Paul poses a question in vs.35, “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?” and he goes on a “laundry list” of items (tribulation, distress [do your troubles ever make you “feel” unloved?], etc.).  Despite such trials Paul says the reality is “we are more than conquerors through Him that LOVED us.” (vs.37).  And the apostle knew whereof he wrote having gone through a good many distresses in his life and ministry !  Finally, Paul ends by noting he’s been “persuaded” that nothing shall be able to “separate us from the love of God. . .” (vs.39).   The word “persuaded” conveys the idea that at one time he was not, yet something or better yet, Someone, had brought his faith to this point and it had a lasting impact on how he believed and consequently how he acted !

We normally love only when we are shown love first. If someone hurts us we don’t typically love back as the Lord does, we lash back, we bury our hurt, shut down, and often end the relationship (a huge reason for the divorce rates in our nation and why people leave good churches) rather than lovingly (and I mean lovingly) confront with a view to bettering the relationship (with a person or a church).  Why not take from Valentine’s Day that I will strive to be more Christlike in my love to others and to God, especially when I don’t “feel” I have been loved?  I will work on mending relationships rather than disposing of them ! That glorifies the Lord !!!!     But remember true love begins with being in a right relationship with Him Who IS love !!!!!!!!

Being Like Judah

Our church has been reading through the last portions of Genesis this week. So as I was reading, I couldn’t help but think in chapter 38 how hypocritical Judah was.   He had been negligent in his duties as to the custom of his day in securing a mate for his widowed daughter-in-law, Tamar. This was known as a “levirate marriage” where a relative would be secured to marry the widow and raise children to the name of the deceased. Circumstances were such that Tamar, seeing he’d neglected to secure a new husband for her,  resorted to trickery. She disguised herself as a prostitute and displayed herself where Judah would be during sheep shearing time.

Tamar conceived through this and was found with child and naturally assumed by the townspeople to have been immoral. Judah being told of this news stated very hypocritically “Bring her out and let her be burned !” (vs.24). While she was being brought out for execution (still as the hypocrites of the Middle east do to this day) she wisely informed the mob, “By the man  to whom these belong, I am pregnant.” (vs.25).  She had some possessions belonging to self-righteous Judah (his cord, signet & staff – definite articles of his to clearly implicate Judah and protect Tamar !).

What more could Judah say but, “She is more righteous than I, since I did not give her my son Shelah”.  His refusal to offer his son in the Levirate marriage was a lack of trust in God and a lack of compassion for Tamar. When we put self above God and others, we not only lose credibility in our witness but we become hypocritical especially whenever we try to raise a voice for truth.  Granted, every single one of us has at one time or another been hypocritical, we are sinners after all. But thankfully this chapter shows us what to do when our deeds fail to match good words. We do what Judah does here. We admit the error of our way and confess it to God and anyone else we need to and God is then pleased and we have a fresh start and more credibility in our life and ministry for God.   A powerful example is when you fail your kids in some way. If you lose it and yell at them sinfully or misjudge them by being too lazy to seek out the truth and just blame them. You apologize and make things right and you show them, yes, you are a sinner just like them but you are also serious about dealing with sin and being about truth,  or as Judah said it, being righteous !!

Maybe you have played the hypocrite lately.  Its much easier to focus on others’ sins and rant about them and fail to focus on God and what He is trying to change about us.  When you recognize you’re being like Judah, be like Judah !!  Admit it and don’t worry about other’s not accepting your apology, God will, and He will help you to be more righteous as you trust Him and follow His Word !

The Best of Policies

Truth – it will have it’s day !  In our area, the nation has focused on a scandal and seen a rush to judgment  without getting out the truth.  Our nation also heard a brilliant speech by our dear brother in Christ, Dr. Ben Carson echoing timeless truths at the National Prayer Breakfast this past week. If you haven’t heard it you owe it to yourself to do so. Here it is:

Jesus stated in no uncertain terms, “I AM the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life, no man comes unto the Father, but by ME !” (Jn.14:6).   That is an increasingly unpopular maxim in our day of political correctness and “diversity” but it is frankly, TRUE !   No other religion will save a person and insure them heaven, no other religious person is THE Savior !  No other book is inerrant in it’s original form than the HOLY Bible.  The Bible has stood the onslaughts of scoffers for centuries and will continue to do so just as Jesus said, “For verily (TRULY) I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the Law, till all be fufilled.” (Matt.5:18).

And, friend, you can COUNT on it to see you through when you apply it to your life. People may lie about you, lies may abound and the truth may be hidden by those seeking their way through less than honorable means, you may even be unsure if doing the truth will pan out, but it will just as sure as God is God ! Why? Because TRUTH is Who He is !!  And truth must be then that which we as His children stand for, period !   Do you have some decision to make ? Seek and do the truth regarding it.  Do you see others around you floundering in some way? Share the TRUTH with them by speaking the TRUTH in love (Eph.4:15).  Today we observe a great man’s birthday, Abraham Lincoln or “Honest Abe”.     Be the same, a person committed to integrity no matter what and your life will be great for God too !!

The real Weatherman !

So even though the groundhog claims spring is coming early old man winter has definite opinions otherwise in our region !  New England is supposed to be pummeled with snow.  Superstition, predictions – man at best is only doing guesswork as to what God really intends to do !! One thing is certain though, the Lord is on the throne and He does what is right and best for us at all times.  Job 37:5-6 says, “God  thunder marvelously with His voice; great things does He which we cannot comprehend: For He says to the snow ‘Be thou on the earth. . . ”

The Word of God is powerful. With one command He can set in motion a blizzard of epic proportions that can affects millions of people.  Logan International Airport in Boston has cancelled all flights today.  And we think we’re  pretty powerful and have arrived by inventing air travel while God can ground it all in an instant with the breath of His voice !    “Who is like unto the Lord our God, Who dwells on high?” said the psalmist in Ps.113:5 !!    So when you are uncertain, felling spiritually anemic, when you’re tempted to worry, when its enticing to go with the flow of this old world, or you struggle with doubt in some way remember that He Who controls the weather has a solid and sure Word readily available for you to read and follow through life’s adventures.

If something isn’t specifically spelled out in His Word that you have questions about, the principles are in the Bible to be able to discern truth from error.    This will steer you aright no matter what the issue you deal with.  Music? Entertainment choices? Career paths? Relationships? etc.   His Word is true, His Word is powerful, His Word is reliable, so be wary of  the world’s shifting ideas and trust in what He says !!!

Take a good dose of Jesus’ medicine as needed

I have always been encouraged to see the excitement in a new convert. They are eager to learn and grow, they look up when the preaching is going on and listen carefully to what is said, they sing with enthusiasm to the Lord, they thoroughly enjoy fellowship, they even pay attention to the announcements !   They don’t know about the Bible as much as we who are older in the Lord but in many ways they put us to shame and this is something the Lord Himself put His finger on in the letter He wanted dictated to the church of Ephesus.

A storied church with some good things about it, the Ephesian church had had great teachers and pastors, they had been privileged to enjoy the ministry of Paul, Timothy and others and in the book which bears their name they had some wonderful things any church would be pumped about. Yet something started to happen and my guess is that something was a slow, gradual decline which elicited the Savior’s rebuke:  “Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.” (Rev.2:4).  Now rather than write them off and kick them out of His church, the Lord offered THE solution for such hearts: “Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works. . .” (vs.5).  The remedy is simple yet powerful !

When is the last time, really, when you were in a spiritual funk that you first looked at yourself very honestly (not blaming your church, your pastor, another member) but looked at the “beam in your own eye” to see if there is one there and if so to simply admit your sin and take it to a loving Savior Who is desirous to forgive you, use you, and restore the joy of His salvation again?   Jesus’ words are golden here telling us to look back at where we went wrong, ‘fess up, and get busy again serving Him !  There is no time to waste, there are souls to save, folks to minister to, rewards to be gained, a Lord to glorify !

So in the midst of a dreary winter do you find youself today a little spiritually lethargic?  Take Jesus’ “medicine” it works very well !!!