Walk, walk !!

Well our family is about to increase today by three !!  No, we’re not having triplets but my daughter and her husband are bringing home three new foster children !!  Most people think they are crazy to take so many at once but our daughter has always been a lover of children and she will be a great Mom and her husband a great Dad.  Their decision to take in now a total of four as their own reminds me of an instance in seminary when a fellow student and his wife were talked about for having had their seventh baby.  In such an affluent area where things were given such precedence, having more than the normal 1.5 was frowned upon even by many in our church.  But the majority were wrong then and still are !   People hold vast importance to God and especially those who are “down and out”  who’s biological parents want nothing to do with them.   James said “pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction. . . ” (1:27) .   That word “visit” is not a casual idea, it means to examine in order to see how that person is, to look after, care for !

All too often we allow things to eclipse the importance of people. Saturday comes and warm weather is upon us and there is so much we want to do outside, so many errands to run, the house to clean, the car to service and before you know it you lie your head on the pillow at night and there is little that was done to show affection to those you call your loved ones !  But each day there are precious souls around us in need of the love of Christ through our lives (outside and inside our own homes).  They need encouragement, help, prayer, physical sustenance that God can use us to help them with.  We should not turn a blind eye or deaf ear to them and think that we are living a sterling Christian life.   The prophet Micah put it thus, “. . . what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” (6:8).   Before you “hit the pews” this Sunday, put some effort forth to be a blessing to someone  so that they are encouraged, feel loved, and see in you that God is making a difference in your life.   Don’t just talk the walk,  walk it too !!

Reaching Out

How thrilling it is to see the hand of God at work !!  This past weekend as I was walking through Walmart, I saw the kid’s arcade that is in most of these stores today and being our granddaughter was with us, I decided to walk into the arcade for the first time and let her enjoy a ride.  As I ventured in, a young woman and her three children were having fun and as the mom took her little one off a ride I introduced myself and asked if it were fine for a one year old. From there we struck up a conversation and I found out she is new to the area and looking for a church !! She also had some interesting parallels with our own daughter and to make a long story short, she came to church on Sunday !!  I stood back and marveled at God’s answer of prayer for all of us !

Imagine how Paul must’ve felt as he journeyed from town to town on his missionary endeavors seeking folks who would eventually become his siblings in Christ and members of local churches throughout the vast Roman empire !  As he crossed into Europe for the first time with the gospel landing in the city of Philippi there was no local synagogue (the requisite 10 Jews could not be found there), he “happened” upon a group of women praying down by the river where he’d found prayer was customarily made on the Sabbath. It was there Lydia came to Christ after hearing Paul preach the gospel. She would’ve, like us today, asked the Lord to forgive her for being a sinner and asked Him to be her Savior.   Luke records of her, “whose heart the Lord opened, that she attended unto the things which were spoken of Paul. And when she was baptized, and her household, she besought us, saying, ‘If you have judged me to be faithful to the Lord, come into my house, and abide there.’ ” (Acts 16:14-15).

The Lord opened this woman’s heart when she’d met His servant and it was reflective in that she changed spiritually and was willing to share what she had to minister to those who’d also enabled her to receive so much spiritually !  Lydia, we know, was a businesswoman and likely a fine one at that being a seller of royal fabrics.   If you are already saved, in what way can you reach out to others and be a blessing to them today?   Will you take the opportunities God may provide you today and share the gospel, invite someone to your church, help someone in need?   I find our world is getting more and more enclosed, people often do not even look at you let alone speak to someone who is unknown but the Great Commission infers we be different this way. And when we are, spiritual adventures await us, new friends and spiritual siblings can be made !  And above all God can be truly glorified by your simply reaching out to those around you !! How exciting indeed, go do some fishing for souls !!

Leeking some good news for you

Recently I took our daughter’s dog on a long walk through the woods in search of leeks !  If you have never tried them, they are a wild onion and very tasty in soup.  So I stink up the house for a day or so making a ham and leek soup. My wife has stayed with me through even this !!

Needless to say what sometimes stinks to us may actually be good for us. Here are several benefits of leeks: They are high in protein (and so provide a sense of fullness and check needless weight gain) and beta carotene (helping supply vitamin A and ward off infection, for example), they contain vitamin C (especially in the green stems), they are rich in iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium. Leeks are also a natural antibiotic, they lower our blood pressure and cholesterol levels properly. Additionally they prevent cardiovascular diseases, strengthen the immune system, and help with colds and infections. They contain an oil which assists us in better digestion and is a “cleaner of toxins” in the body. Finally the Lord placed in them vitamin E which helps promote healthier skin and is now believed to even be a steady defense against chronic diseases such as cancer !  And there are more benefits I have not listed or we do not yet know about more than likely !!! Our Creator is a fantastic and perfect Designer !!

By now you may be wondering, where can I get these?  What do they look like? They can be found in most grocery stores in the vegetable section but most of us this time of year probably pass by leeks on a regular basis in many parts of the country as we drive and walk about not even noticing these wondrous plants God has made for our benefit !! They resemble a green onion.   But two points to make spiritually:  (1)  What may “smell” to us may actually be very, very good for us !   (2) What we really need to be well may be right in front of our noses, we just need to see it and seize  it.

There are many commands God gives us we naturally chafe against (witnessing, Matt.28:19-20; reading our Bibles, Josh. 1:8;  going to church, Heb.10:25; submitting your will to His, Rom.6; etc.)  but when we do them we find a multitude of benefits begins to kick in for us !     And if we shun the sweet smell of obedience to His Word we will then look elsewhere for “happiness” in things, improper relationships, control of others or even God Himself  yet all along there is the simplistic yet powerful options of trust, His peace through communion with Him, and the power to live as we ought as we stay in harmony with Him moment by moment.   So don’t merely “eek” out life, partake of  the blessings of what He’s already provided for your every need and benefit !!



The other day I got out the old lawnmower and did some pre-mowing maintenance.  I changed the dirty oil from last year and the air filter and when I put the new air filter on I noticed a marked difference from last year’s one, it was white !! Clean, fresh & brand new !!!  Next year I’m sure I will need to do it all over again but instead of an old dusty filter it was pristine and uncontaminated from the dust and grime of this world.

How about you?  We chug along day after day and before we realize it the filter of our mind has been sullied by the elements of this old world system.  A foul picture, a tidbit of gossip, etc. And aside from these things our own flesh is inherently filthy and needs regular spiritual bathing, yet we can so quickly get caught up in worry, fear, undue guilt, etc. and before we know it our “filter” is grimy !  Yes, we know we need to spend time in the Word, and we know we need to turn worry into trust and pray instead of mull over in our minds “whatever will I do about this??” over and over again.

I saw an interesting saying today that was a “To Do List”  and it said (if memory serves me):  Things I need to Do:  Kiss my Spouse, Read My Bible, Talk to God and then underneath was this –  Things to Get Done After:   Do my Work, Run Some Errands, Pay the bills, etc.   Proper priorities are vital and we get the right ones from God’s Word but are you putting a premium on keeping the filter of your mind clean?  “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to visit the widows and fatherless in their affliction and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” (James 1:27).  Stay clean and you will enjoy His peace, His power and the passion you should have as His child !!  You run better with a clean filter !!!

Its Raining Outside, is it INSIDE?

Its truly a soggy day in central Pennsylvania today as the rain has been coming down all night and this morning too.  But that’s just fine, the Lord knows what He’s doing for as they say “April showers bring May flowers” !   Most people don’t care for a lot of rain but we do recognize its needed for our drinking supply and other needs, the plants need it, as do the animals.  Through the rains God not only provides us with this life sustaining liquid but He washes the terrain, refreshes parched vegetation, and myriads of other things needful to maintain His creation we are still not aware of.  It was only around 150 years ago science finally discovered the importance of running water  to wash one’s hands as a simply yet powerful preventive measure in the promotion of good health and washing away of germs.  So Mom was right after all, “Wash your hands good before you eat !”

Perhaps this is why God so deftly uses this language through Paul as it speaks of how we are spiritually cleansed, “. . . with the washing of water by the Word” (Eph.5:26) and  in another verse, “Not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to His mercy He saved us , by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost.” (Titus 3:5).   You are clean at salvation but we still need the daily washing the Word can only provide as we go out in a dirty world.   We see things, hear things that come into our minds to pollute but we also have a sin nature and so within is yet a filthiness which needs daily purging.

I like how James sums up living the Christian life by stating, “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this: To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” (James 1:27).   Though it may be raining outside, is it inside? It needs to.  So take some time today to let the water of the Word refresh your soul and mind and so live unspotted or clean even in a uncleanly world !!

Don’t ever be afraid to speak to God

I got a major kick the other day out of one of our newer members.  He was telling me about a book he was reading related to the family but he was sure to mention that he didn’t start reading it before he read the “Exorcist” !  I had an internal “What???” before I realized what he meant. In our Bible reading program at church we were reading through Exodus recently and he got the title woefully jumbled up as he expressed it to me !   I suppose we have all done similar things by mispronouncing a word, but this one was a lulu for sure !!

When Paul wrote to the Roman believers and embarked upon the “sanctification” section of his book he came to chapter eight and mentioned something much related to my illustration.  He wrote, “Likewise the Spirit also helps our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought; but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” (vs.26).  How many times have you tried to pray not knowing exactly what to express or articulate?  God knows your heart !  Isn’t that great?  Paul goes on, “And He that searches the hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because He makes intercession for the saints (you and I) according to the will of God.”

Have you ever prayed for someone to be saved but you have gotten in the way of their free will or for a believer who you know is struggling in some way and you realize you prayed for something that just wasn’t scriptural but you meant well?  Maybe you are undergoing a trial and your prayer is just “Lord, get me out of this !” When God wants to make you better out of it.   He knows your heart’s desire and translates that appropriately before the throne of grace.   We may not be the best at verbalizing things to the Lord but He is perfect at knowing your heart and interceding on your behalf with what you pray to Him !!

Fresh fruit, anyone?

“And let us not be weary in well doing:  for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”   This was what the Spirit of God had Paul set in print when he wrote to the churches of Galatia (6:9).    How many times have you pressed on for the Lord with something only to see it not come to fruition? This past Easter Sunday, we finally did at our church.  We saw a couple come we have been praying for and working on for some time and it was very encouraging !

Gardening has some definite parallels as you prep the soil, you sow the seed, you water, weed, fertilize and then you wait for the fruit to come.  Sometimes the yield is great, sometimes, eh, not so much considering all the variables but when it does come and you bite into that fresh ear of corn or juicy, sun ripened tomato the effort was worth it.  But in both instances, whether working with people or potatoes, God has a clear role He plays and ours is to do the work He wants and wait on Him for the rest.

How about you? Is there something or someone you have been working on and praying for  and it just doesn’t seem like anything is happening? Are you getting a little weary with the whole process and lack of fruit?   You’ll note Paul begins the verse with “Let us”  (as opposed to lettuce) suggesting we all struggle with the desire to just throw in the towel at times.  He also says  it’s the well doing we should not cease for inevitably this is still God’s universe and He will not sit by idly and let that kind of effort go unrewarded or unnoticed.      And then Paul adds “due season”.  I think many times our frustration with the timing and results is due to our natural impatience and desire to be Lord of the universe instead and we are thus reminded that when things don’t go according to OUR plan it’s because we need to have it firmly implanted in our brain that He is the One Who’s in charge, period !

But, happily, the verse ends with a promise that if we’ll persist the reward will come, God says so !  You can bank on that, my friend !!

Touching the face of God

We’re reading in Exodus this week at our church and coming to this section I was reminded of something President Reagan said about the space shuttle Challenger that blew up in the 1980’s. He included this line in his speech about the deceased astronauts that they’d “slipped the surly bonds of earth to touch the face of God.”    This phrase expresses one of our deepest yearnings as people, namely, to have fellowship with the Lord Himself. To truly know Him and have security, peace, purpose.

In the twentieth six chapter of Exodus Moses details the pattern and purpose of the Tabernacle, that ancient structure for worship for the Jews. When you read the chapter it might seem like an unlikely place to have a close encounter with Christ because you find detailed info on setting up the large tent structure but it reveals more importantly the character of God and what’s needed for sinners (us) to actually meet with Him !

The Tabernacle was a “piece of heaven” on earth. God’s very presence was there and so too were the figures of the cherubims (God’s special angels guarding His throne).  When the high priest entered and was around these he got a visual reminder of heaven.  The Tabernacle reminds us God rules over all, it being a microcosm of the universe with heaven inside and not accessible to men as Israel encamped outside of it and most were never even allowed to enter within.  Those cherubim also pictured this limited access, as we recall they kept men from re-entering Eden after man’s fall, so that in short the pattern of the Tabernacle teaches us God’s holiness !  Although, thankfully, there was still access, still a door in but only one by which a certain representative of the people could go in by carrying atoning blood as a sacrifice appeasing a holy God Who hates sin !

This brings us to the purpose.  The same God Who designed the Tabernacle still rules and speaks to us today.  And like Israel then, we too are separated by Him due to our sin (whether unsaved or backslidden the fellowship, power & peace we could enjoy is hampered).   Sometimes God does seem distant to us, normally this is due to our own sin.   So the Tabernacle’s purpose was to point us to Christ, the Sin-Bearer.   John wrote this in Jn.1:14, “And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. . . ”    That word dwelt means to tabernacle.  God so desires to fellowship with you, strange as that may seem to us.   When someone hurts us the last thing we want is to be buddy buddy with them !  Yet God is love and He longs to love you and receive it back.    Is there something between you and Him today that is preventing sweet fellowship with Him?  Why not confess it right now and enjoy His peace, His presence, His power !!

Have a Blessed Easter

Happy Easter to all  and a few ramblings for you !! What a wondrous holiday we have as believers, not only does the Resurrection mean our faith is right and above all others but it guarantees our own resurrection and means we can also tap into His strength each day ourselves.  As I was preaching the sunrise service at our church I finished with the seven sayings of Christ in His cross and when He uttered in Jn.19:30 “It is finished” or “tetelestai” in the language He said it, He gave a victory statement unparalleled in the annals of history !  The price has been paid once and for all for even the tense of that Greek word indicates there is no further need of any other sacrifice, hence once you truly accept Him as your Savior your soul is eternally secure ! That is great news !

But that final verbal stamp of victory was further authenticated the very first Easter morn when He arose triumphant over death itself !!  He is risen said the angel, just as He said.   The heavenly messenger reminds us all when God speaks, He means it !  So should we if we are to be like Him.  You can count on His Word, so when this life is past you too will be risen to newness, no more sin, sorrow or sickness !!  Happy Easter, God has good things in store for YOU, why else would He go through all the hassle that first Easter if not so?!

Have a Good Friday, Saturday, etc.

We call it “Good Friday”, the day we observe what Christ did on the cross for us.   It didn’t start out looking too good though from the vantage point of those who had believed Him to be their Messiah !   Seized in the Garden of Gethsemane and endured a sham of a trial in the early morning hours of that Friday, then beaten and paraded before the masses (many of which lauded Him days before with their “Hosanna’s” as He rode into town that Passover week) where they chanted repeatedly for His blood, “Crucify Him, crucify Him !!”

How could anyone possibly see any good in that Friday so many years ago now?  Yet it was the best Friday man would EVER have, for the sins of mankind were all potentially paid for with His final dying statement “It is finished !!” as He expired victorious. I say potentially because the only thing preventing it is each man’s lack of faith in His loving sacrifice at Calvary that Good Friday.   Have you truly trusted in what He did for you there yet?  If so are you telling others you meet about this most good and loving of acts?

But this reminds me, when I start to have what I perceive to be a bad day maybe my perspective needs a little altering.  After all, isn’t the verse true, “We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.” (Rom.8:28)?  Doesn’t “all things”  include “bad” days too?  Yep !   The next time things aren’t going so hot, or working as WE had planned (often there’s what needs adjusting from WE to HE) remember, if God is in control in your life all days can turn out to be GOOD, even if we don’t see it so right away.  Remember, if He can pay for every sin you have committed He can turn your messes into masterpieces too !!